Now showing items 241-260 of 3172

    • Màster - Doctorat - Empresa, banc de proves d'un projecte europeu 

      Ginovart Panisello, Gerardo José; Alsina-Pagès, Rosa Ma (Actes de la 2a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2022-03-24)
      Les pimes que aposten per realitzar recerca i desenvolupament dels seus productes o serveis estan més limitades en temps, objectus, pressupost i recursos que les mitjanes o grans empreses. Paral·lelament, ...
    • Aprenentatge cooperatiu basat en projectes al Màster Universitari de Formació del Professorat 

      Canaleta, Xavi; Montero Morales, José Antonio; Navarro Noguera, Miquel (Actes de la 2a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2022-03-24)
      Aquest article presenta un cas d’aprenentatge cooperatiu basat en projectes que es desenvolupa en el Màster Universitari en Formació del Professorat (especialitat Tecnologia) i que permet que 3 matèries ...
    • Història III: Una eina de projecte i reflexió 

      Martínez Duran, Anna; Martín Tost, Xavier (2nd Research and Teaching Innovation Conference, 2022-03-23)
      El coneixement de la història com una seqüència cronològica de fets i episodis ofereix una visió unívoca, parcial i esbiaixada. Aquesta comunicació planteja un nou enfocament de l’assignatura Història ...
    • L'impacte de la recerca a La Salle a les aules el curs 2019-2020 

      Corral Torruella, Guiomar; Alsina-Pagès, Rosa Ma (Actes de la 1a Jornada de Recerca i Docència, 2021-01-26)
      La recerca és una activitat totalment inherent a la definició d’universitat. No cal dir que la docència, l’atenció, l’acompanyament i la formació dels nostres alumnes n’és el focus principal. En aquesta ...
    • Design and Evaluation of a User Experience Questionnaire for Remote Labs 

      Cuadros, Jordi; Serrano Molinero, Vanessa; García Zubía, Javier; Hernandez-Jayo, Unai (IEEE Access, 2021-03-29)
      Remote laboratories have been in use for 25 years now. Whereas several learning oriented meta-analyses exist, validated and agreed-upon tools for assessing the user experience are not readily available. ...
    • Exploring the barriers and facilitators for following a sustainable diet: A holistic and contextual scoping review 

      Muñoz-Martínez, Júlia; Cussó Parcerisas, Irene; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volum 46, Maig 2024, Pp. 476-490, 2024-03)
      Changing current dietary patterns to more sustainable ones is paramount to decrease the pressure food systems are putting onto the planet and people’s health and wellbeing. However, modifying consumers’ ...
    • Measuring the small in the digital landscape 

      Sabaté Salazar, Joan; Micó, Josep-Lluís (Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, vol. 11, núm. 1, 2019, 2019)
      In Catalonia, the smaller media publishing in the Catalan language -usually calling themselves proximity media instead of local media- is a significant and particularly dynamic sector of the media ...
    • Production Scheduling of Personalized Fashion Goods in a Mass Customization Environment 

      Perret, Jens; Schuck, Katharina A.; Hitzegrad, Carolin (Sustainability 2022, 14(1), 538, 2022-01)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has put fashion manufacturers’ needs for optimization in the spotlight. This study argues that mass customization is becoming increasingly instrumental for offering consumers ...
    • Malin restoration as proof of concept for gene therapy for Lafora disease 

      Varea, Olga; Guinovart, Joan; Duran Castells, Jordi (Brain Communications 2022, 4(4), fcac168, 2022)
      Lafora disease is a fatal neurodegenerative childhood dementia caused by loss-of-function mutations in either the laforin or malin gene. The hallmark of the disease is the accumulation of abnormal ...
    • La construcción de narrativas personales en el proceso de aprendizaje de las profesiones sociales 

      Benavent, Enric (Benavent i Vallès); Navarro-Segura, Lisette; Martínez Rivera, Oscar; Requena Varón, Elena; Marzo Arpón, Teresa Eulàlia; Garcia-Oliva, Montserrat; Rosa Gregori, Genoveva; Mora Ticó, Pere (Aprendizaje, innovación y cooperación como impulsores del cambio metodológico. Actas del V congreso internacional sobre aprendizaje, innovación y cooperación, CINAIC 2019, 2019-10-09)
      Una actividad académica protagonizada por estudiantes de Educación social y Trabajo social, basada en escribir y compartir relatos se convierte en un espacio de intimidad que en muchos casos tiene un ...
    • Measuring the provincial supply of higher education institutions in China 

      Borsi, Mihály Tamás; Valerio, Octasiano; Comim, Flavio (China Economic Review 2022, 71, 101724, 2022-02)
      This paper proposes and estimates three novel higher education indices for 31 Chinese provinces: i) the Chinese Higher Education Density Index (CHEDI) to analyze the evolution of the quantitative ...
    • Measuring the sustainable development goals: A poset analysis 

      Tadashi, Hirai; Comim, Flavio (Ecological Indicators 2022, 145, 109605, 2022-12)
      Sustainability requires balanced development. The economy, society and the environment all need to be pursued simultaneously. In this context, the issue of incomparabilities among different dimensions ...
    • Recent advances in the pharmacological targeting of ubiquitin-regulating enzymes in cancer 

      Montagut, Ana Maria; Armengol, Marc; Gorjón de Pablo, Gema; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio; Roué, Gaël (Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 2022, 132, 213-229, 2022-12)
      As a post-translational modification that has pivotal roles in protein degradation, ubiquitination ensures that intracellular proteins act in a precise spatial and temporal manner to regulate diversified ...
    • Analysis of laccase‐like enzymes secreted by fungi isolatedfrom a cave in northern Spain 

      Fernández Remacha, Daniel; González Riancho, Candela; Lastra Osua, Miranda; González Arce, Aránzazu; Montánchez, Itxaso; García Lobo, Juan María; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Kaberdin, Vladimir R. (Microbiology Open 2022, 11(2), e1279, 2022-04)
      Laccases belong to a family of multicopper enzymes able to oxidize a broad spectrum of organic compounds. Despite the well-known property of laccases to carry out bleaching and degradation of industrial ...
    • Mechanical performance of additively manufactured lightweight cellular solids: Influence of cell pattern and relative density on the printing time and compression behavior 

      Forés-Garriga, Albert; Gómez Gras, Giovanni; Pérez Martínez, M. (Marco) (Materials & Design Volume 2022, 215, 110474, 2022-03)
      A comprehensive investigation is presented on the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technology’s possibilities to create cellular solids with a broad spectrum of specific stiffness and strength, modifying ...
    • Model food soils for investigating cleaning: A review 

      Gottschalk, Nathalie; Augustin, Wolfgang; Scholl, Stephan; Wilson, Ian; Mercadé Prieto, Rubén (Food and Bioproducts Processing 2022, 136, 249-296, 2022-11)
      Cleaning operations are performed regularly throughout the food industry. This review focuses on the removal of strongly adherent fouling deposits which compromise the performance and hygienic status ...
    • Mutated RAS-associating proteins and ERK activation in relapse/refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma 

      Benoit, Alexandre; Bou Petit, Elisabeth; Chou, Hsiang; Lu, Melissa; Guilbert, Cynthia; Mingyi Luo, Vincent; Assouline, Sarit; Morin, Ryan D; Dmitrienko, Svetlana; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Johnson, Nathalie A.; Mann, Koren K. (Scientific Reports 2022, 12, 779, 2022)
      Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is successfully treated with combination immuno-chemotherapy, but relapse with resistant disease occurs in ~ 40% of patients. However, little is known regarding ...
    • Neuropsychopharmacology of Emerging Drugs of Abuse: meta- and para-Halogen-Ring-Substituted α-PVP (“flakka”) Derivatives 

      Nadal Gratacós, Núria; Lleixà, Esther; Gibert Serramià, Mónica; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Berzosa Rodríguez, Xavier; Batllori Aguilà, Xavier; Pubill, David; Camarasa, Jordi; Fonseca, David; López-Arnau, Raúl (International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23(4), 2226, 2022-02)
      Changes in the molecular structure of synthetic cathinones has led to an increase in the number of novel emerging drugs in the illicit drug market at an unprecedented rate. Unfortunately, little is known ...
    • Overcoming Paradoxical Kinase Priming by a Novel MNK1 Inhibitor 

      Bou Petit, Elisabeth; Hümmer, Stefan; Alarcon, Helena; Slobodnyuk, Konstantin; Cano Galietero, Marta; Fuentes, Pedro; Guijarro, Pedro J.; Muñoz, María José; Suarez Cabrera, Leticia; Santamaria, Anna; Estrada Tejedor, Roger; Borrell Bilbao, José Ignacio; Ramón y Cajal, Santiago (Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 65(8), 6070-6087, 2022-04-28)
      Targeting the kinases MNK1 and MNK2 has emerged as a valuable strategy in oncology. However, most of the advanced inhibitors are acting in an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-competitive mode, precluding ...
    • Photosensitive EGFR-Targeted Nanocarriers for Combined Photodynamic and Local Chemotherapy 

      de las Heras, Elena; Sagristá, M. Lluïsa; Agut Bonsfills, Montserrat; Nonell, Santi (Pharmaceutics 2022, 14(2), 405, 2022-02)
      The major limitation of any cancer therapy lies in the difficulty of precisely controlling the localization of the drug in the tumor cells. To improve this drawback, our study explores the use of ...