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Mostrando ítems 701-720 de 3232
Writing regulation processes in Higher Education: A review of two decades of empirical research
(Reading and Writing (2018) 31:757–777, 2017-11)In Higher Education (HE), writers need to regulate their writing processes in order to achieve their communicative goals. Although critical for academic success and knowledge construction, writing ... -
Being a researcher is not only a matter of publishing: learning to review scientific articles
(Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 40:3, 599-656, 2017-09)This study, which is part of the call for junior reviewers from Infancia & Aprendizaje (I&A), aims to contribute to the scarce literature on peer review processes by developing and analysing a training ... -
Why do students consider dropping out of doctoral degrees? Institutional and personal factors
(Higher Education, 74, 1053-1068, 2017-01)Despite the increasing popularity of doctoral education, many students do not complete their studies, and very little information is available about them. Understanding why some students consider that ... -
Influencia de la fatiga sobre la toma de decisiones en los árbitros principales de fútbol
(SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 10(2), 164–175., 2021-08)Objectives: The main objective of this study was to analyse the incidence of fatigue in decision-making in Catalan football’ referees. Secondary objectives were to assess the incidence of fatigue according ... -
Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Active and Non-Active Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Comparative Study
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(10), 1761, 2019-05)This study describes and compares physical activity (PA) levels and sedentary time (ST) of active (AG) and a non-active (NAG) groups of adults with intellectual disability (ID) versus a group of adults ... -
Different Modelling Purposes
(Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2019-06-30)How one builds, checks, validates and interprets a model depends on its ‘purpose’. This is true even if the same model code is used for di erent purposes. This means that a model built for one purpose ... -
‘Still disappeared’: reconstructing the 1990 ‘truth commission’ in Nepal
(Contemporary South Asia, 30 Jun 2022, 2022)Experts agree that in 1990, Nepal established a truth commission to investigate disappearances that allegedly happened between 1960 and 1990. Little is known about this truth-seeking mechanism. Most of ... -
Mirroring Truths: How Liberal Democracies Are Challenging Their Foundational Narratives
(Social Sciences, núm. 12, 2023, 2023)Long-established liberal democracies with histories of settler colonialism—from the United States and Canada to Australia and Scandinavia—are beginning to explore their histories of violence and ... -
Influence of the carbon incorporation on the mechanical properties of TiB2 thin films prepared by HiPIMS
(International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol.107 (2022), 105884, 2022-09)Nanostructured TiB2 and TiBC thin films with carbon contents up to 11 at. % were prepared by physical vapor deposition using high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) technology. The influence ... -
A study of deformation and strain induced in bulk by the oxide layers formation on a Fe-Cr-Al alloy in high-temperature liquid Pb-Bi eutectic
(Acta Materialia. Vol.151 (2018), p.301-309, 2018-06-01)At elevated temperatures, heavy liquid metals and their alloys are known to create a highly corrosive environment that causes irreversible degradation of most iron-based materials. It has been found ... -
Nb–C thin films prepared by DC-MS and HiPIMS: Synthesis, structure, and tribomechanical properties
(Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol.422 (2021), 127569, 2021-09-25)Nanostructured Nb-C thin films were prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering (DC-MS) and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS). The films were characterized in depth by X-ray diffraction ... -
Liderazgo comunitario para la construcción de una comunidad cohesionada y una ciudadanía activa desde entidades socioeducativas
(Educación en el tiempo libre: la inclusión en el centro, pàg. 201-218, 2019-10-01) -
Análisis del modelo teórico del test situacional de desarrollo de competencias básicas de empleabilidad: La perspectiva de los trabajadores
(Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria, núm. 37, 2021, pàg. 23-38, 2021-01-18)El objetivo de este estudio es analizar desde la perspectiva de los trabajadores el modelo de empleabilidad del grupo de investigación IARS vinculado al Test Situacional de Desarrollo de las competencias ... -
¿Y después de la escuela qué? El Modelo de desarrollo de la autodeterminación para la carrera profesional
(Revista Española De Discapacidad, 11(2), 67-84, 2023-12)La situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y/o del desarrollo en España resulta alarmante. A pesar de las numerosas ventajas de contratar a per-sonas con discapacidad intelectual ... -
Quality of life, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in black African women: B-Healthy project
(Quality of Life Research (2020) 29:987–997, 2019-11)Purpose To study the associations between physical activity (PA), cardiorespiratory ftness (CRF), and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in black African women from a low socioeconomic community ... -
Reflections on the reception of attachment theory by psychoanalysts. A review of publications
(The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 104(3), 509-526., 2023-07)This article explores the reception and response of the psychoanalytic community to attachment theory by reviewing articles, with 'attachment' as a keyword, published up until December 2020 in the top ... -
Stages of change and engagement in a family intervention
(Child & Family Social Work. 2020; 25: 45–52., 2019-05)Prochaska and DiClemente's stages of change model facilitate understanding of engagement difficulties in psychosocial intervention processes. We assessed the link between stages of family change and ... -
The Effects of Postural Training on Gait Kinematics in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
(Symmetry 2023, 15(5), 1062, 2023-05)This study examines the effects and durability of postural exercise on gait kinematics in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs). Thirty-four men with mild IDDs were assigned ... -
Effects of exercise programs on cardiovascular responses in individuals with down syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(Preventive Medicine Reports, 36 (2023) 102521, 2023-11)The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions designed to improve cardiovascular responses in individuals with DS. A search for relevant articles ... -
Group Psychotherapy; exploring change with CCRT
(The Arts in Psychotherapy, Volume 63, April 2019, Pages 46-50, 2019-07)This is an exploratory study where the CCRT method was applied to assess changes in interpersonal relationship patterns in a scenetherapy group. Scenetherapy uses dramatization and improvisation as ...