Ciberperiodismo e información en la TDT: similitudes y diferencias
Micó, Josep-Lluís
Otros/as autores/as
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
Fecha de publicación
Cyber-journalism and the news on terrestrial digital television (TDT) share numerous characteristics, such as the redefinition of the processes of production and of the responsibilities of media professionals, or the possibility of exploring genres and formats heretofore unexplored by means of the language of multimedia. However, in contrast to what is happening on the Internet, TDT in Spain carries along with it some problems which prevent it from functioning as a fully interactive medium when it comes
to transmitting the news to its audience. Some of these drawbacks are intrinsic in nature; others derive from the configuration of digital television in the first phase of its evolution in this country. Many authors share the view that TDT is a first-class way of consolidating the Information Society. Nevertheless, this study, starting from a comparison with the dynamic of cyber-newspapers,
describes some of the technological, conceptual and economic limitations which it must first overcome.
Tipo de documento
Versión publicada
Materias (CDU)
65 - Gestión y organización. Administración y dirección de empresas. Publicidad. Relaciones públicas. Medios de comunicación de masas
Palabras clave
Societat de la informació
17 p.
Publicado por
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
Publicado en
Trípodos, núm. 22, 2008
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