The (de)motives for using food waste reduction apps among hospitality providers
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Digital technology can aid in redistributing surplus meals in hospitality organisations, but little is known about the (de)motives for its use among industry professionals. Yet, a better understanding of these (de)motives can facilitate a more tailored design of technological solutions for sustainability purposes. This study examines managerial perceptions of Too Good To Go, a world's leading app for surplus food redistribution, according to the number of downloads and reviews in both Google Play and iPhone App Store. By applying qualitative methods, through in-depth, semi-structured interviews among foodservice providers in Barcelona, Spain (n = 42), the study showcases economic motives as a prime driver of this technology's adoption while environmental motives play a secondary role. Low awareness of food waste generation, a lack of technological expertise, and limited resources represent the main demotives. To facilitate surplus food redistribution, technological solutions should be simplified and enhanced with other functions, such as delivery. The economic benefits of technology use should be emphasised, while making a conscious effort to enhance food waste awareness among industry professionals.
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Materias (CDU)
338 - Situación económica. Política económica. Gestión, control y planificación de la economía. Producción. Servicios. Turismo. Precios
Palabras clave
digital technology
food waste
hospitality operations
managerial attitudes
16 p.
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Publicado en
Sustainable Development. 2024;32:7262-7277
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