Development of Innovation Districts: A Performance Assessment
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Global challenges demand more competitiveness from cities, calling for quick adaptation to changes brought about by the current knowledge economy. Innovation Districts (ID) stand out as the most favourable ecosystems to create economic, urban, social and governance solutions proactively and at the speed demanded by this rapid renewal of knowledge. Effective assessment is important in these areas to ensure efforts are guided to achieve the objectives set. Following validation by a panel of 17 experts through an international Fuzzy Delphi survey, and 15 experts in the DEMATEL multi-criteria decision-making approach, this study builds a conceptual framework in four dimensions (Urban, Economic, Social and Governance), with a set of 37 indicators identified as relevant to assess performance in ID and the power of influences among them. The resulting multidimensional innovation assessment framework is a powerful tool, being useful in determining the key impact indicators of existing innovation districts.
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Versió publicada
Matèries (CDU)
33 - Economia
332 - Economia regional i territorial. Economia del sòl i de la vivenda
65 - Gestió i organització. Administració i direcció d'empreses. Publicitat. Relacions públiques. Mitjans de comunicació de masses
71 - Urbanisme. Paisatgisme, parcs i jardins
Paraules clau
Performance Assessment
Innovation District
Knowledge Based Urban Development
Triple Helix
Avaluació del rendiment
Districte de la Innovació
Districtes Urbans Basats en el Coneixement
Triple Hèlix
48 p.
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Triple Helix, vol. 10, núm. 1
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