First stage of structural viability of a real component manufactured by FDM (fused deposition modeling) 3D printing. Case: door handle from a car
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The present work is dedicated to the evaluation of a first stage of structural viability for the implementation of the FDM manufacturing technology in an industrial process in order to obtain functional parts. With this goal, a real part manufactured by the injection moulding process, of which the mechanical properties are known, has been selected. In the present work, this part has been manufactured by FDM in order to study the current feasibility of applying this manufacturing process change to industry. All of this will give an overview of the current state of the FDM technology in order to analyze how much it lacks to be competitive against the current technologies in the world of the industrial manufacturing.
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Matèries (CDU)
519.1 - Teoria general de l'anàlisi combinatòria. Teoria de grafs
620 - Assaig de materials. Materials comercials. Economia de l'energia
621 - Enginyeria mecànica en general. Tecnologia nuclear. Electrotècnia. Maquinària
Paraules clau
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Polycarbonate (PC)
Door handle
Mechanical behaviour
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Impressió 3D
Polièsters--Propietats mecàniques
Termoplàstics--Propietats mecàniques
Elements finits, Mètode dels
Publicat per
Publicaciones Dyna
Publicat a
Dyna 2019, 94 (1)
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