Radicalisation and radicalism: the double face of prejudice in the Spanish case of the Neo-Nazi group Hogar Social (2014–2019)
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By differentiating radicalisation as a process from radicalism as a movement, this situated study examines
the Spanish youth group Hogar Social’s frame-work and core action through the analytical method of
process-tracing. To contextualise their radicalisation process, it considers both the inspiration that it found
in other similar European radicalised groups, in particular the neo-Nazi group Casa Pound in Italy, and the
socio-economic and political context of its setting, through an account of the major events accompany-ing
its formation. To explore their enacted strategies and goals, it investi-gates Hogar Social’s most relevant
narratives and performances since its emergence in 2014. An inquiry of their public statements and
appearances focuses on both logics and reasons at the root of their radicalisation – and how they engage
with their audience – vis-à-vis the radicalism that also exists in Spain. In such a light, this work contributes
to understanding how oppositional interests of us versus them are used, and illustrates the role that prejudice
plays in the radicalisation of youth. It thence allows to thoroughly ponder the double face of prejudice,
whose consequences can be politically used as scapegoating moves to capitalise on people’s unease in
radicalisa-tion processes.
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Matèries (CDU)
3 - Ciències socials
Paraules clau
15 p.
Publicat per
Taylor & Francis
Publicat a
Journal of Contemporary European Studies, vol. 32, núm. 3, 2024
Número de l'acord de la subvenció
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/PN I+D/PID-2020-116443GB-I00
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© Taylor & Francis
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