Visualitzant Treballs finals de grau per data de publicació
Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 30
The Political Prospects of Geoengineering: An Assessment of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the London Convention
(2020)This dissertation investigates the ways in which geoengineering interlinks with global environmental politics (GEP) and how they cohere together. The core question is how geoengineering fits in today’s ... -
Chagos: Dispossession and Exile in Paradise
(2021)The expulsion of Chagossians in the late 1960s and early 1970s by British authorities resulted in the dispossession of the whole population and the survival of colonialism in the Indian Ocean. Following ... -
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management into Cyber Risks: Proposing a Policy Brief to the Barcelona City Council
(2021)Cyber risks and incidents have augmented in the past decade with the increasing usage and development of internet services. Consequently, national and regional cybersecurity agencies have been set to ... -
Ethnonational Identities in a Protracted Social Conflict: An analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict and of the proposals for its resolution
(2021)This study analyses and discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict from a social and non-material perspective through political and social-psychology theories. To do so, it poses the following research question: ... -
Internationalisation plan of a song to the German Music Market
(2021)In today's world, it is believed that globalisation has had a significant impact on the field of international relations. One of the most affected industries has been the entertainment field due to the ... -
The Role of Diplomacy and International Law in Water-Related Disputes: Case Studies of the Nile River Basin and the Jordan River Basin
(2021)This research is focused on the influence of diplomacy and International Law in disputes derived from water security and scarcity in the region of Middle East and North Africa. The research analyzes two ... -
#Metoo or the art of call-out culture: Assessing the impact of Social Movements in International Relations
(2021)We do no longer live in a state-centric world. New actors such as transnational companies, cities, or social movements are earning their place within IR. The aim of this research is to highlight social ... -
The art of indigenous struggle. The strategies of the Awas Tingni and Sarayaku communities in their international fight for land rights
(2021)Indigenous peoples have been repressed for centuries, unheard by states which disregarded their rights. This research is an analysis of the strategies local indigenous movements in Latin America have ... -
From childs to heroes: constructions of masculinity in the African National Congress during Apartheid and post-Apartheid South Africa
(2021)In line with feminist analyses of the gendered dimensions of domination, the present research work is aimed at developing an intersectional understanding of the processes through which the figures of ... -
The socio-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on European economies and their economic responses to the crisis
(2021)The economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a widespread recession. Its socio-economic impacts could potentially be devastating and long-lasting. Europe has been especially hit. To ... -
The Internationalization of Pangea Academy
(2021)In the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the international environment has drastically changed, producing a rapid technological leap, and effecting core issues like is education. This last was ... -
A Comprehensive Approach to Water Diplomacy. Embracing decoloniality, intersectionality and multi-track analysis. Case-study: the GERD dispute between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan
(2021)This paper provides an unorthodox approach to water diplomacy, concretely, in the GERD dispute framework. It analyses water diplomacy as a subject that goes beyond the state-centric, Western and ... -
Co-housing as a tool to mitigate the care crisis: Case studies of La Borda and Les Voirets
(2021)Current figures show that housework is still carried out by women, being an obstacle to their emancipation. This paper examines in what manners can the model of co- housing reduce the care crisis at ... -
Gendering Positive Peace: A Feminist Approach for the Cases of Mexico and Turkey within the Positive Peace Index
(2021)Peace research has often left aside the inclusion of an extensive gender-sensitive approach that goes beyond the consideration of gender-based violence. However, feminist analysts have been proposing a ... -
Plan de comunicación para la aplicación de citas Tinder dirigida al mercado español en 2021
(2021)En plena modernidad líquida, la manera de relacionarnos y la forma de conocer gente para una relación sexoafectiva están cambiando. Debido a la transformación digital y la globalización, el mercado de ... -
A Realist Approach to Universal Jurisdiction: the Case of Spain
(2021)Universal jurisdiction is a powerful tool to bring individual accountability for the commission of international crimes, and yet states seem to be reluctant to use it. This research aims at explaining ... -
"The right to harvest": Inuit contested accountability on re-source development in Nunavut, 1970-2020
(2021)Since the early contact between Europeans and Inuit citizens in Nunavut, these communities have experienced transformative changes in regards to their traditional lifestyle due to the prominent role ... -
#MilkTeaAlliance, more than spectators of disaster. The new alter-globalization movement?
(2022)The COVID-19 outbreak has been instrumentalized as a catalyst for further autocratization, especially in South and Southeast Asia. The #MilkTeaAlliance, a Pan-Asian solidarity networked social movement, ... -
The Power of Unconventional Growth: Brazilian regional government's promotion of culturally sustainable entrepreneurship for traditional communities
(2022)Brazil has made significant progress towards improving the conditions for its population. However, it continues to face several challenges regarding poverty reduction, environmental protection and ... -
Ipso Facto: a Podcast to Fight Disinformation
(2022)With globalization and the technological revolution, new digital platforms have been established which have unleashed innovative journalistic practices that enable new forms of communication. Thus, ...