#Metoo or the art of call-out culture: Assessing the impact of Social Movements in International Relations
Other authors
Publication date
We do no longer live in a state-centric world. New actors such as transnational companies,
cities, or social movements are earning their place within IR. The aim of this research is to
highlight social movements’ relevance in IR as well as the need to uplift gender topics, by
means of assessing social movements’ impact through the #MeToo movement. This impact
will be analyzed in three realms: political, cultural, and biographical, within the context of
globalization and the 4th wave of feminism. Legal changes, an international convention,
challenging shame and fear culture, an increase in reporting of sexual-related crimes, and
achieving a feminist consciousness are just some of the outcomes of the outbreak of the
#MeToo movement. Social movements have been at the forefront of social change. In the
current era, social movements, among other non-state actors, have crystallized as important
actors in international relations. However, the literature is still behind when it comes to
highlighting their relevance. This research arises from the necessity to fill in this theoretical
gap as a way to broaden the scope of recognized actors within the IR literature.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
Moviments socials
Relacions internacionals
45 p.
TFG del Grau en Relacions Internacionals tutoritzat per Umut Oezkirimli
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