Creating a women only glamping
Data de publicació
This business model consists of the creation of glamping as tourist accommodation.
It was decided to create a business focused only on women within the hospitality industry because there is a gap in the tourism sector.
This business is aimed only at women and the main target client, the women of the LGBTIQ + segment. This glamping offers a wide variety of services and facilities linked to relaxation/well-being and beauty within the same enclosure. In addition, the complex offers a range of leisure activities with the aim of encouraging relationships between visitors. Moreover, within the same complex, it is offered to consumers a wide selection of gastronomic establishments. For instance, a la carte restaurant, a breakfast buffet, several food trucks with different gastronomic offers and customers can also enjoy a bar-lounge on the beach.
It is glamping located on the island of Gran Canaria, just in front of the sea and placed in a natural environment.
Tipus de document
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
92 p.
Tutor: Fede Prats
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