How can new technologies help promote a more responsible tourist behaviour? - an exploratory study of tourists perceptions on responsible behaviour in context of co-creation platforms
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Responsible Tourist Behaviour and making the tourist activity more sustainable is one of the most pressing challenges of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This study aims to explore the perceptions of tourists on Responsible Tourism as well as giving insights into Co-creation platforms as a possible solution to trigger a more Responsible Tourism Behaviour. According to recent literature, the responsibility is currently being placed primarily in the hands of tourism suppliers and governments, while the involvement of the tourist himself through the means of Co-creation remains rather understudied. Hence, this study aims to bridge the gap and study Co-creation as a tool for a more Responsible Tourism. This research thesis has been conducted by the means of quantitative data analysis through closed- and open-ended questions with more than 300 participants. The findings of this study show that there is a lack of awareness on the side of the tourists and a vast need of education for both - travellers and professionals. Co-creation platforms have been studied as a possible tool to deliver more information and collaboration between supply and demand. This study lays a foundation for future research to bridge the gap between tourism suppliers and users, contributing to the sector being more sustainable.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
81 p.
Tutor: Esther Binkhorst
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