Analysis of the degree to which the URL's Solidarity and International Cooperation trips correspond to the ISL methodology
Data de publicació
International Service-Learning (ISL) is being used by many institutions to create civilly engage students in international contexts, which originates in mutually beneficial cooperation and relationships between host communities and universities. Similarly, solidarity and international cooperative study trips are organized by the Ramon Llull University (URL) to Colombia, Senegal and Morocco as the destinations. The purpose of these trips is so that the students, once they return to their home country, have acquired new learning skills as well as having had experienced both personal and professional growth. Through interviews conducted to each of the students and the organizers who attended the trips, and through the comparison of the ISL and URL objectives and outcomes, this qualitative research examines to which degree the URL trips relate to and make use of the ISL pedagogy. The results of this research indicate that despite the similarities between the ISL pedagogy and the URL exposure trips, there are other disparities that need to be addressed in order for the trips to be considered ISL appropriate. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for the URL to improve its methodology and enhance the knowledge of beneficial service and learning experiences in international contexts.
Tipus de document
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
87 p.
Tutor: Jorge Peralta
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