Business plan Alwa Eco Hotel
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The tourism sector has become a very important worldwide industry because it generates many job positions, impact on the economy as well as creating benefits for growth and increase of demands. It is a destination that advances towards the future without losing its essence, its history, traditions and customs. Until recently only a few knew this destination, today Bolivia is one of the emerging destinations in Latin America. According to the Ministry of Cultures, in 2017 the World Travel Awards awarded Bolivia as the "Best Cultural Destination in South America" and in 2018, as "Best Green Destination in South America".
In fact, the city where our business will be, La Paz was awarded as the best emerging tourist destination in 2019 by World Travel Awards. In addition to being nominated for four more categories: "Best Destination City of South America 2019", "Best Destination Cultural City of South America 2019", "Best Leading Destination in Events and Festivals of South America 2019", "Best Romantic Destination of South America 2019. Luckily the country is not threatened by massive tourism even though there are many people interested on going and discovering new places, cultures, gastronomy, among others.
Regarding the current situation in Bolivia and according to statistics, 56% of entrepreneurs in Bolivia correspond to an age range between 18 to 33 years, that is, the youngest are committed to innovation and creativity that require technical advice when starting a business that has a social and environmental impact. According to the country's most renowned economist Luis Arce Catacora, what Bolivia needs to recover from the current political situation and the covid 19 is "boost to micro and small businesses, boost to the activity of internal tourism activity in coordination with the municipalities and governorates, plus community tourism, ecological tourism, implementation of a productive community social economic model and support for entrepreneurs to create quality jobs with a positive impact on Bolivian society and the environment”.
Taking into account the recommendations of the economist. Our purpose is the creation of an Eco hotel applying sustainable practices in relation to its construction, work with the local community, preservation of the environment and culture, creation of jobs, training for our workers (empowering people) and helping promote community tourism by making national tourists come to visit our accommodation and destination.
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203 p.
Tutora: Marian Buil
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