Key methodologies to develop the hospitality concept in undergraduate students
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Nowadays, the tourism industry is one of the main sectors which provides more profits to cities such as Paris, Rome, New York, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro as well as Barcelona. This industry, is becoming more and more demanding and customers expect personalised services and unique experiences. For that reason, tourism and hospitality schools must work on the development of the hospitality concept in order to prepare students for their future professional career. Tourism and hospitality studies are not that much known as a professional career and it is important that people who is interested on hospitality management have the chance of studying it deeply.
The research pretends to provide faculties with best practices in order to build up the concept of hospitality and make sure that tourism and hospitality schools and the professional industry are align.
On the other hand, there are many skills which are important to consider while thinking about the hospitality concept. Empathy, teamwork and Service Orientation are the ones which this degree thesis has been focused on, due to the complete meaning of them comprise other skills.
These types of researches are important in order to improve and create new university study plans according to the needs and requirements that industry is expecting from recent graduates.
Tipo de documento
Proyecto / Trabajo fin de carrera o de grado
92 p.
Tutor: Gisela Domínguez
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