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dc.contributorUniversitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna
dc.contributor.authorCorcoll López, Cristina
dc.contributor.authorFlores, Carme
dc.description.abstractEnglish is taught as an additional language in many schools at pre-pri­ mary level. Starting early alone, however, does not guarantee satisfying results in the long run. This is why it is necessary to develop new tea­ ching proposals that are fully appropriate for children this age and that may promote natural language acquisition. And the answer may already be in the system: applying a methodology similar to what we use for Ca­ talan and Spanish to English, that is, implementing CLIL from an early start. The reasoning behind this idea is that it is precisely at this stage where a CLIL proposal becomes more natural and productive: with very young learners, teaching must necessarily be global, content-linked and practica! in order to be successful. lt is here, then, where the L3 can be acquired, rather than learned; lived, rather than practiced. And how can this be done? Sorne practical ideas will be presented and discussed in the session to try and shed sorne light on this
dc.publisherAPAC Associació de Professorat d'Anglès de Catalunyaca
dc.relation.ispartofAPAC ELT Journal, 2009ca
dc.rights© APAC. Tots els drets reservatsca
dc.subject.otherAnglès -- Ensenyamentca
dc.subject.otherEducació infantilca
dc.titleAdditional Language Acquisition at Infant School: Integrating MORE than Content and ILanguageca
dc.local.notesTenim el permís de la revista per dipositar-lo, guardat al drive Biblioteques Blanquernaca

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