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dc.contributorUniversitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna
dc.contributor.authorDíaz-Gibson, Jordi
dc.contributor.authorWhittaker, Robyn
dc.contributor.authorCívis, Mireia
dc.contributor.authorFagerström, Peter
dc.contributor.authorAddae-Bohane, Akwasi
dc.contributor.authorKudzi, Avril
dc.contributor.authorLerena, Mireia
dc.contributor.authorJelenjev, Lana
dc.descriptionProjecte subvencionat per la Fundació Jacobs i la UNESCOca
dc.description.abstractReport I, becomes a cross-analysis of data documented from all reports and gathers the intentional collaborative work of the NetEdu team around to answer: How learning ecosystems change, evolve and flourish over time in diverse contexts? What are the systemic enablers that need to be unleashed and seeded by decision makers and leaders in the ecosystem for learning and flourishing? The next two reports become research based explorations in international contexts into the experience that school and regional leaders face to weave the relational capacities in their systems for deeper and wider learning and flourishing. ‘An evolutionary Framework for Flourishing Learning Ecosystems’ Thus, Report I is a deep dive into the dynamic and evolving nature of learning ecosystems, with the intention of prototyping a framework that can unravel the implications of a context responsive leadership to weave and overcome our standardized school-centered and isolated systemsca
dc.publisherNet Edu Projectca
dc.relationReport II SchoolWeavers Tool
dc.relationReport III Mapping and analyzing national Learning Ecosystems for SDG4
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.rights© L'autor/a
dc.subject.otherLearning Ecosystemsca
dc.subject.otherSchool Weaversca
dc.subject.otherLife Long Learningca
dc.subject.otherEcosistemes d'aprenentatgeca
dc.subject.otherEscoles teixidoresca
dc.subject.otherBenestar col·lectiuca
dc.subject.otherAprenentatge al llarg de la vidaca
dc.titleLearning Ecosystems Trilogy: Weaving our relational capacity for flourishing futures. Report 1: An Evolutionary Framework for Flourishing Learning Ecosystemsca

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