Now showing items 1-20 of 90

    • A comprehensive sounding of the ionospheric HF radio link from Antarctica to Spain 

      Ads, Ahmed Gamal; Bergadà Caramés, Pau; Vilella Parra, Carles; Regué, Joan Ramon; Pijoan Vidal, Joan Lluís; Bardají Benach, Raúl; Mauricio Ferré, Juan (Radio Science, 2013. Vol.48, 1, Gener - Febrer, 2013-01)
      Since 2003, our group has been investigating the performance of different transmission techniques for low-power low-interference High Frequency (HF) ionospheric communication systems. Specifically, we ...
    • A study of CP violation in B±→DK± and B±→Dπ± decays with D→K0SK±π∓ final states 

      Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physics Letters B , 2014, Vol. 733 (Juny), 2014-06-02)
      A first study of CP violation in the decay modes B±→[K0SK±π∓]Dh± and B±→[K0SK∓π±]Dh±, where h labels a K or π meson and D labels a D0 or D⎯⎯⎯0 meson, is performed. The analysis uses the LHCb data set ...
    • Acoustic Comfort Prediction: Integrating Sound Event Detection and Noise Levels from a Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network 

      Monserrat Mesquida, Margalida; Vidaña Vila, Ester; Alsina-Pagès, Rosa Ma (Sensors, 2024-07-07)
      There is an increasing interest in accurately evaluating urban soundscapes to reflect citizens’ subjective perceptions of acoustic comfort. Various indices have been proposed in the literature to achieve ...
    • Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of ¯Bos → J/ψ K+K− 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2013, Vol. 87 , No.7 (Abril), 2013-04-08)
      An amplitude analysis of the final state structure in the ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψK+K− decay mode is performed using 1.0  fb−1 of data collected by the LHCb experiment in 7 TeV center-of-mass energy pp collisions ...
    • An example of operation for a partly manned Antarctic geomagnetic observatory and the development of a radio link for data transmission 

      Torta Margalef, Joan Miquel; Marsal Vinadé, Santiago; Riddick, John C.; Vilella Parra, Carles; Altadill Felip, David; Blanch Llosa, Estefania; Cid, Oscar; Curto, Joan J.; De Santis, Angelo; Gaya-Piqué, Luis R.; Mauricio Ferré, Juan; Pijoan Vidal, Joan Lluís; Solé, Germán J.; Ugalde, Arantza (Annals of Geophysics, 2009. Vol. 52, 1 (Febrer), 2009-02)
      The experience acquired from more than ten years of operation of an Antarctic geomagnetic observatory is described along with the development of data transmission facilities. The observatory was deployed ...
    • Analysis of the resonant components in ¯B0s → J/ψ π+ π− 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2012, Vol. 86 , No.5 (Setembre), 2012-09-17)
      The decay ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψπ+π− can be exploited to study CP violation. A detailed understanding of its structure is imperative in order to optimize its usefulness. An analysis of this three-body final state ...
    • Determination of fs/fd for 7 TeV pp Collisions and Measurement of the B0→D−K+ Branching Fraction 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2011, Vol. 107, No. 21 (Novembre), 2011-11-14)
      The relative abundance of the three decay modes B0→D−K+, B0→D−π+, and B0s→D−sπ+ produced in 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC is determined from data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35  pb−1. ...
    • Determination of the Sign of the Decay Width Difference in the B0s System 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2012, Vol. 108, No. 24 (Juny), 2012-06-11)
      The interference between the K+K− S-wave and P-wave amplitudes in B0s→J/ψK+K− decays with the K+K− pairs in the region around the ϕ(1020) resonance is used to determine the variation of the difference ...
    • Determination of the X(3872) Meson Quantum Numbers 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2013, Vol. 110, No. 22 (Maig), 2013-05-29)
      The quantum numbers of the X(3872) meson are determined to be JPC=1++ based on angular correlations in B+→X(3872)K+ decays, where X(3872)→π+π−J/ψ and J/ψ→μ+μ−. The data correspond to 1.0  fb−1 of pp ...
    • Determination of γ and −2βs from charmless two-body decays of beauty mesons 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physics Letters B , 2015, Vol. 741 (Febrer), 2015-02-04)
      Using the latest LHCb measurements of time-dependent CP violation in the B-s(0) -> K+K- decay, a U-spin relation between the decay amplitudes of B-s(0) -> K+K- and B-0 -> p(+)p(-) decay processes allows ...
    • Differential Branching Fraction and Angular Analysis of the Decay B0 → K*0 μ+ μ− 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2012, Vol. 108, No. 18 (Maig), 2012-05-03)
      The angular distributions and the partial branching fraction of the decay B0→K*0μ+μ− are studied by using an integrated luminosity of 0.37  fb−1 of data collected with the LHCb detector. The forward-backward ...
    • Evidence for CP Violation in B+→p¯pK+ Decays 

      Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2014, Vol. 113, No. 14 (Octubre), 2014-09-20)
      Three-body B+→p¯pK+ and B+→p¯pπ+ decays are studied using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0  fb−1 collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass ...
    • Evidence for CP Violation in Time-Integrated D0→h−h+ Decay Rates 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2012, Vol. 108, No. 11 (Març), 2012-03-12)
      A search for time-integrated CP violation in D0→h−h+ (h=K, π) decays is presented using 0.62  fb−1 of data collected by LHCb in 2011. The flavor of the charm meson is determined by the charge of the ...
    • Evidence for the Strangeness-Changing Weak Decay Ξ−b→Λ0bπ− 

      Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2015, Vol. 115, No. 24 (Desembre), 2015-12-11)
      Using a pp collision data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0  fb−1, collected by the LHCb detector, we present the first search for the strangeness-changing weak decay Ξ−b→Λ0bπ−. ...
    • First Evidence for the Decay B0s→μ+μ− 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2013, Vol. 110, No. 2 (Gener), 2013-01-07)
      A search for the rare decays B0s→μ+μ− and B0→μ+μ− is performed with data collected in 2011 and 2012 with the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The data samples comprise 1.1  fb−1 of proton-proton ...
    • First Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in Beauty-Quark Pair Production 

      Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2014, Vol. 113, No. 8 (Agosto), 2014-08-20)
      The difference in the angular distributions between beauty quarks and antiquarks, referred to as the charge asymmetry, is measured for the first time in b¯b pair production at a hadron collider. The ...
    • First Measurement of the CP-Violating Phase in B0s→ϕϕ Decays 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2013, Vol. 110, No. 24 (Juny), 2013-06-12)
      A first flavor-tagged measurement of the time-dependent CP-violating asymmetry in B0s→ϕϕ decays is presented. In this decay channel, the CP-violating weak phase arises due to CP violation in the ...
    • First Observation of a Baryonic B+c Decay 

      Badalov, Alexey; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review Letters, 2014, Vol. 113, No. 15 (Octubre), 2014-10-10)
      A baryonic decay of the B+c meson, B+c→J/ψp¯pπ+, is observed for the first time, with a significance of 7.3 standard deviations, in pp collision data collected with the LHCb detector and corresponding ...
    • First observation of B0 → D∗+ Xμ−ν decays 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physics Letters B, Vol. 698, No. 1 (Març 2011), 2011)
      Using data collected with the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, the semileptonic decays Bs -> Ds+ X mu nu and Bs -> D0 K+ X mu nu are detected. Two structures ...
    • First observation of B0s → J/ψ f0(980) decays 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physics Letters B, Vol. 698, No 2 (Abril 2011), 2011-01)
      Using data collected with the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, the hadronic decayB0s→J/ψf0(980) is observed. ThisCP eigenstate mode could be used to measure ...