La Salle: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 799
Observation of the semileptonic decay B+→pp¯¯¯μ+νμ
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 146, 2020-03)The Cabibbo-suppressed semileptonic decay B+→pp¯¯¯μ+νμ is observed for the first time using a sample of pp collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0, 2.0 and 1.7 fb−1 at centre-of-mass ... -
Observation of several sources of CP violation in B+ → π+ π+ π− decays
(Physical Review Letters, 2020, Vol.124, 031801, 2020-01)Observations are reported of different sources of CP violation from an amplitude analysis of B+→π+π+π− decays, based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1 of pp collisions ... -
Measurement of CP-Averaged Observables in the B0→K*0μ+μ− Decay
(Physical Review Letters, 2020, Vol.125, 011802, 2020-07)An angular analysis of the B0→K*0(→K+π−)μ+μ− decay is presented using a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb−1 of pp collision data collected with the LHCb experiment. The full ... -
Isospin Amplitudes in Λ0b→J/ψΛ(Σ0) and Ξ0b→J/ψΞ0(Λ) Decays
(Physical Review Letters, 2020, Vol.124, 111802, 2020-02)Ratios of isospin amplitudes in hadron decays are a useful probe of the interplay between weak and strong interactions and allow searches for physics beyond the standard model. We present the first ... -
Measurement of fs/fu Variation with Proton-Proton Collision Energy and B-Meson Kinematics
(Physical Review Letters, 2020, Vol.124, 122002, 2020-03)The ratio of the B0s and B+ fragmentation fractions fs and fu is studied with B0s→J/ψϕ and B+→J/ψK+ decays using data collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at 7, 8, and 13 TeV ... -
Aggregate Impact of Anomalous Noise Events on the WASN-Based Computation of Road Traffic Noise Levels in Urban and Suburban Environments
(Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20 No 3, 2020-01)Environmental noise can be defined as the accumulation of noise pollution caused by sounds generated by outdoor human activities, Road Traffic Noise (RTN) being the main source in urban and suburban ... -
Ionospheric Polarization Techniques for Robust NVIS Remote Sensing Platforms
(Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(11), 3730, 2020-05)Every year more interest is focused on high frequencies (HF) communications for remotesensing platforms due to their capacity to establish links of more than 250 km without a line ofsight and due to ... -
Precision measurement of the Ξ++cc mass
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 49, 2020-02)A measurement of the Ξ++cc mass is performed using data collected by the LHCb experiment between 2016 and 2018 in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated ... -
Measurement of the fragmentation fraction ratio f s /f d and its dependence on B meson kinematics
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.4 (Abril), 2013-04-02)The relative production rate of B0s and B 0 mesons is determined with the hadronic decays B0s→D−sπ+ and B 0 → D − K +. The measurement uses data corresponding to 1.0 fb−1 of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass ... -
Study of D sJ decays to D+K0S and D 0K+ final states in pp collisions
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012, Vol. 2012, No.4 (Abril), 2012-10-23)A study of D+K0S and D 0 K + final states is performed in a sample of 1.0 fb−1 of pp collision data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7TeV with the LHCb detector. We confirm the existence of ... -
Search for the rare decay K0S → μ+μ−
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.1 (gener), 2013-01-13)A search for the decay K0S→μ+μ− is performed, based on a data sample of 1.0 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=7TeV collected by the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The observed number of candidates ... -
First evidence for the two-body charmless baryonic decay B0→pp¯¯¯
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.10 (Octubre), 2013-10-01)The results of a search for the rare two-body charmless baryonic decays B0→pp¯¯¯ and B0s→pp¯¯¯ are reported. The analysis uses a data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.9 fb−1, of ... -
Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay B 0 → K ∗0 μ + μ −
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.8 (Agost), 2013-08-29)The angular distribution and differential branching fraction of the decay B 0→ K ∗0 μ + μ − are studied using a data sample, collected by the LHCb experiment in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV, corresponding ... -
Production of J/ψ and Υ mesons in pp collisions at s√=8 TeV
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.6 (Juny), 2013-06-14)The production of J/ψ and Υ mesons in pp collisions at s√=8 TeV is studied with the LHCb detector. The J/ψ and Υ mesons are reconstructed in the μ + μ − decay mode and the signal yields are determined ... -
Search for CP violation in D + → ϕπ + and D+s→K0Sπ+ decays
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.6 (Juny), 2013-06-28)A search for CP violation in D + → ϕπ + decays is performed using data collected in 2011 by the LHCb experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1 at a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV. ... -
Observation of the decay B+c → J/ψ K + K − π +
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, Vol. 2013, No.11 (Noviembre), 2013-11-12)The decay B+c → J/ψK + K − π + is observed for the first time, using protonproton collisions collected with the LHCb detector corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1. A signal yield of 78 ± ... -
Measurement of mixing and CP violation parameters in two-body charm decays
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012, Vol. 2012, No.4 (Abril), 2012-04-27)A study of mixing and indirect CP violation in D 0 mesons through the determination of the parameters y CP and A Γ is presented. The parameter y CP is the deviation from unity of the ratio of effective ... -
Measurement of V 0 production ratios in pp collisions at ps = 0.9 and 7TeV
(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011, Vol. 2011, No.8 (Agost), 2011-08-08)The Λ¯/Λ and Λ¯/K0S production ratios are measured by the LHCb detector from 0.3 nb−1 of pp collisions delivered by the LHC at s√=0.9 TeV and 1.8 nb−1 at s√=7 TeV. Both ratios are presented as a function ... -
Precision Measurement of CP Violation in B0S→J/ΨK+K− Decays
(Physical Review Letters , 2015, Vol. 114, No.4 (Gener), 2015-01-30)The time-dependent CP asymmetry in B0s→J/ψK+K− decays is measured using pp collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1, collected with the LHCb detector at center-of-mass ... -
Observation of Two New Ξ−b Baryon Resonances
(Physical Review Letters , 2015, Vol. 114, No. 6 (Febrer), 2015-02-10)Two structures are observed close to the kinematic threshold in the Ξ0bπ− mass spectrum in a sample of proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb−1, recorded by ...