Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Valoración del deterioro cognitivo a través de la velocidad de procesamiento. Adaptación de la prueba ‘Quick Test of Cognitive Speed’ (QTCS | AQT)
(Congreso Iberoamericano de Neuropsicología (1r : 2016 : Bilbao), 2016)
El Quick Test of Cognitive Speed (QTCS | AQT) facilita, a partir de la medida de la velocidad de procesamiento, la detección del
deterioro cognitivo en estadios muy iniciales, hecho que puede favorecer ...
Assessment of Processing Speed and Executive Functions performance when discriminating between MCI, AD and VaD
(International Congress on Vascular Dementia (6è : 2009 : Barcelona), 2009)
Actually there exists an increasing demand in relation to the neuropsychological explorations in the beginning stages of cognitive impairment due to the highest sensitization of general population to ...
Physical Education and Health Education: an integrated approach
(Biennial International Conference World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (4a : Barcelona : 2016), 2016-04)
Comunicació presentada a la Fourth Biennial International Conference World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (Barcelona : 2016)
Relationship between unilateral jumping in the vertical, lateral and horizontal direction and change of direction performance in young elite female basketball players
(European College of Sport Science. ECSS Dublin 2018, 2018)
Recently, some authors suggested that many unilateral actions (e.g.
jumping and changes of direction) a team sport player is required to
perform in practice or match occur not only in the vertical ...
Influence of half time score, match location and scoring first on match outcome in roller hockey
(European College of Sport Science. ECSS Prague 2019, 2019)
Performance analysis appears to be widely accepted by players, coaches and sports scientists as useful feedback to achieve better results on the coaching process (Liu, Hopkins, & Gómez, 2016). Although ...
Assessment of Processing Speed and Executive Functions performance when discriminating between Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia States
(INS Mid-Year Meeting (2009 : Helsinki-Tallin), 2009)
The progressive ageing of population, especially relevant in the last years, will keep going on and the number of elderly will become very considerable in the next decades. This situation makes necessary ...
Going Beyond Early Assessment of MCI: the meaningfulness of cognitive procesing speed
(International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease (11ena : 2013 : Florència), 2013)
The aim of this communication is introducing the importance of the inclusion of cognitive processing speed (CPS) in
neuropsychological assessments for MCI & AD as the slowdown of CPS is present in ...
The meaningfulness of cognitive processing speed in the assessment of cognitive impairment
(World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics (11è : 2017 : Madrid), 2017-04-04)
Conferència pronunciada a l'11è World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics celebrat a Madrid, l'any 2017
Nous criteris per al diagnòstic del deteriorament cognitiu lleu
(Jornades d’Actualització en Envelliment i Demències (4es : 2012 : Barcelona), 2012)
Ponència presentada a les IV Jornades d’Actualització en Envelliment i Demències, Barcelona, 16 de novembre de 2012
Comment dire la langue? Note sur le féminin
(Jornades sobre "La Filosofia i la qüestió de la llengua" organitzades per la UB, la UAB i el Departament de Filosofia de la Universitat Paris VIII, 2016-02)
Ponència presentada a les Jornades sobre "La Filosofia i la qüestió de la llengua" organitzades per la UB, la UAB i el Departament de Filosofia de la Universitat Paris VIII, els dies 18 i 19 de febrer del 2016