Now showing items 21-24 of 24
Use of processing speed measures to assess cognitive impairment. Preliminary study
(Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society (39è : 2011 : Boston), 2011)
Pòster presentat al 39è Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society – Boston (Massachusetts) – 2011
Comencem per la formació inicial!
(Congrés Català d'Educació Matemàtica (Barcelona : 2016), 2016)
A la formació inicial de mestres ens trobem amb estudiants que presenten perfils molt diversos respecte a la relació que tenen amb les matemàtiques. Els estudis previs, les vies d’accés a la universitat ...
Going Beyond Early Assessment of MCI: the meaningfulness of cognitive procesing speed
(International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease (11ena : 2013 : Florència), 2013)
The aim of this communication is introducing the importance of the inclusion of cognitive processing speed (CPS) in
neuropsychological assessments for MCI & AD as the slowdown of CPS is present in ...
Acute effects of fatigue on markers of service performance in young tennis players
The acute effects of fatigue on serve speed,
accuracy, and consistency were examined over
consecutive days of prolonged tennis match play
(2,3) or when a fatiguing exercise protocol was
performed ...