Articles publicats en revistes: Enviaments recents
Ara mostrant els elements 461-480 de 918
La cultura de paz en la educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos en los libros de texto de educación primaria
(Perfiles educativos, 2014, Vol. XXXVI, Núm. 146, 2014)This article examines the contribution of education in the construction of the culture of peace in 11 educational textbooks for primary students, which were edited in the Autonomous Community of Cataluña ... -
Engagement y trayectoria profesional en técnicos de deporte adaptado
(Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 2014, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, 2014)El presente estudio abre futuras líneas de investigación en el ámbito de la psicología positiva en el deporte. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la trayectoria del técnico de deporte adaptado y se ... -
Proposal of indexes to evaluate Family Quality of Life, Partnership, and Family support needs
(Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud. 2016. Vol. 7. Núm. 1, 2016)In recent years, research on the families of persons with Intellectual Disability (ID) has focused on the factors that contribute to the improvement of their Family Quality of Life (FQoL), such as the ... -
Entre el boom atlético y la cooperación social. Las carreras solidarias y el ejemplo de la Trailwalker España 2013
(Península, 2014, Vol. IX, Núm. 1, 2014)In recent years we have witnessed a boom in years in athletic events with an increase in number of participants. Within this framework, races organized to benefit social causes have also significantly ... -
Las carreras populares en la Barcelona de la transición política (1975-1982)
(RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 2014, Vol. X. Núm. 36, 2014)With the Spanish political transition (1975-1982) a period of deep transformations began, which also affected the real sport situation of the country. In the case of Barcelona, athletic races had an ... -
Empresa, deporte y solidaridad: el caso de Oxfam Intermón Trailwalker
(RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 2016, Vol. XII. Núm. 44, 2016)We have witnessed a boom in popular running events in recent years. The aim of some of them is to develop aspects like solidarity, cooperation and teamwork. Certain firms use such events as a means to ... -
Deporte y democratización en la Barcelona contemporánea: apuntes para un estudio
(CCD. Cultura Ciencia Deporte, 2005, Vol. 1, Núm. 2, 2005)From a historical point of view, the spanish transition to democracy during 1975-1982 was a framework of deep juridical, social and political transformations related to sport phenomenon, much more than ... -
El controvertido desarrollo del deporte durante la transición democrática española (1975-1982). Una aproximación a sus limitaciones y principales condicionantes
(Materiales para la Historia del Deporte, 2010, Núm. VIII, 2010)After the period of Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975), during which government action in relation to sports was to say controversial at least, democratic transition (1975-1982) established a new framework ... -
El perfil del voluntari dels “X FINA Campionats del Món de Natació barcelona03”
(Apunts. Educació Física i Esports, 2004, Núm. 77, 2004)En el mes de julio del 2003 la ciudad de Barcelona acogió los X Campeonatos del Mundo de Natación organizados por la Federación Internacional de Natación (FINA), con un éxito de participación sin ... -
El caso de la trailwalker Intermón-Oxfam en Cataluña
(International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism, 2015, Vol.1,, 2015)The Oxfam Trailwalker is a sporting and charitable challenge which, since 1981, has become an international Oxfam fundraising event that now takes place in 11 countries around the world. ... -
Adopción internacional: un estudio con el test proyectivo Pata Negra
(Familia: revista de ciencias y orientación familiar, 2014, Núm. 48, 2013)En España, y especialmente en Cataluña, la primera década del siglo XXI ha estado marcada por un incremento excepcional de las adopciones internacionales, configurando así un nuevo modelo de familia ... -
The emotional experience of being internationally adopted: A qualitative study with Nepalese children adopted in Spain
(International Social Work, 2016, Vol. 60, Núm. 5, 2016)Research in inter-country adoption is usually focused on being able to determine whether adopted children have more or fewer behavioral problems than non-adopted children. However, there is not enough ... -
An interview with Yrjö Engeström and Annalisa Sannino on activity theory
(Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 2016, Vol. 9, Núm. 4, 2016)More and more researchers in the teaching and learning of language and literature are turning to activity theory as a theoretical framework. The Center for Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE, ... -
Health-Related Quality of Life Measures for Physically Active Elderly in Community Exercise Programs in Catalonia: Comparative Analysis with Sedentary People
(Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, 2013, article ID 168482, 2013)Objective. To evaluate Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), medication used, and Stock of Health Capital (SHC) in physically active elderly participants in Community Exercise Programs (CEPs) compared ... -
El liderazgo y la gobernanza colaborativa en proyectos educativos comunitarios
(Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria, 2015, Núm. 26, 2015)Introduction and objectives: In the current economic context collaboration between educational and social organizations in the community is a key asset for improving educational outcomes. This ... -
Notas Descriptivas sobre la Oferta y la Demanda de los Equipamientos Públicos para Actividades Físicas de Personas Mayores en la Ciudad de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
(Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 2015)The main aim of this paper is to quantify the supply and demand of Physical Activities for older adults in public facilities of the Sport System (SD) and Social System (SS) in the city of L’Hospitalet ... -
Emotional Intelligence and Personality in Anxiety Disorders
(Advances in Psychiatry, 2014, article ID 968359, 2014)Anxiety disorders(AD) are by far the most frequent psychiatric disorders, and according to epidemiologic data their chronicity, comorbidities, and negative prognostic constitute a public health problem. ... -
Efectos de las operaciones motivadoras en una conducta autolesiva mediante las presesiones
(Escritos de psicología, 2015, Vol. 8, Núm. 2, 2015)En este estudio se exploran los efectos de las operaciones motivadoras sobre la ocurrencia de la conducta autolesiva que presenta una mujer de 42 años con discapacidad intelectual. El análisis funcional ... -
Danza creativa: el rol del material y la imaginación
(AusArt Journal for Research in Art., 2015, Vol. 3, Núm. 1, 2015)Creative Dance is a basic formation with the purpose of serving as an exploration and reflection guide on how to make and conceive motion. It contributes to the knowledge of the body, the repertoire of ... -
Daños no intencionados en la escuela. Estudio de su incidencia en escolares de Cataluña
(Educar, 2014, Vol. 50, Núm. 2, 2014)El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es el estudio de los daños no intencionados del alumnado en la escuela —habitualmente denominados accidentes—, que suponen un riesgo para su salud y ...