Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Patterns of sedentary behavior in overweight and moderately obese users of the Catalan primary-health care system 

      Martínez-Ramos, Elena; Beltran, Angela-Maria; Martín-Borràs, Carme; Lasaosa-Medina, Lourdes; Real, Jordi; Trujillo, José-Manuel; Solà-Gonfaus, Mercè; Puigdomenech, Elisa; Castillo-Ramos, Eva; Puig-Ribera, Anna; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Serra-Paya, Noemí; Rodriguez-Roca, Beatriz; Gascón-Catalán, Ana; Martín-Cantera, Carlos (Plos One, 2018, Núm. 13(1), 2018-01)
      Background and objectives Prolonged sitting time (ST) has negative consequences on health. Changing this behavior is paramount in overweight/obese individuals because they are more sedentary than ...