Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Basic Family Relations, Parental Bonding, and Dyadic Adjustment in Families With a Member With Psychosis. 

      Roca Santos, Mariona; Vilaregut i Puigdesens, Anna; Palma Sevillano, Carolina; Barón, Francisco J.; Campreciós Orriols, Meritxell; Mercadal Salort, Laura (Community Mental Health Journal,2020, 1- 7, 2020)
      The aim of the current study is to describe and explore basic family relations, parental bonding, and dyadic adjustment in families with offspring diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. The sample was ...
    • Pornography Consumption Among Young People: An Assessment of Parents’ and Teachers’ Training Needs 

      Vall Castelló, Berta; Grané-Morcillo, Jaume; Lloberas, Elena; Aznar-Martínez, Berta; Lorente-de-Sanz, Judith; Baroncelli, Letizia; Pauncz, Alessandra (Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2025, 2025-01)
      Introduction In Spain and Italy, it is estimated that childrens’ frst contact with pornography can occur before the age of 10 years. Minors in this position lack the emotional tools necessary to analyze ...