Browsing Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna by Subject "Observació entre iguals"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Does reciprocal peer observation promote the transfer of learning to teaching practice?
(Psychology in the Schools. 2024;61:3873–3890., 2024-06)This paper investigates whether Reciprocal Peer Observation is an effective practice for promoting Teacher Professional Development. It focuses on analysing the Improvement Goals transfer processes ... -
Impact of reciprocal peer observation on teacher collaboration perceptions
(British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–21, 2024-01)This study aims to assess the effectiveness of recipro-cal peer observation (RPO) as a form of professional collaboration among teachers in enhancing their perceptions of teacher collaboration ... -
Percepciones de los docentes sobre la observación recíproca entre iguales
(Revista de Educación, 402, 237-266., 2023-09)En la última década, ha habido un creciente interés en la observación entre iguales como mecanismo para el desarrollo profesional docente. Este estudio examina las percepciones de los docentes sobre la ... -
Reducing teachers' resistance to reciprocal peer observation
(European Journal of Education, e12606, 2023-12)Despite the evidence supporting reciprocal peer observa-tion (RPO) for teacher professional development, extant literature has reported that teacher resistance is a barrier to its implementation. ...