Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Efficacy, Explore, and Exchange: Studies on Social Side of Teacher Education from England, Spain, and US 

      Liou, Yi-Wha; Daly, Alan J.; Downey, Christopher; Bokhove, Christian; Civís, Mireia; Díaz-Gibson, Jordi; López Solé, Susana (International Journal of Educational Research, 99, 1-14, 2020)
      This study attempts to respond to a recent call for a more social and collaborative approach to teacher education and professional development by examining the social side of pre-service teachers during ...
    • Paradoxical effects of feedback in international online reciprocal peer tutoring 

      Topping, K.J.; Dehkinet, R.; Blanch, S.; Corcelles-Seuba, Mariona; Duran, David (Computers & Education, 2012, 61, 225-231., 2012-10)
      This paper reports an online reciprocal peer tutoring project for improving language competence in Spanish and English. Students aged 9–12 years from Scotland and Catalonia were matched to act as tutors ...