Browsing Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna by Subject "Deficiència mental"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life
(International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ... -
A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life
(International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ... -
Assessing self-determination in youth with and without disabilities: The Spanish version of the AIR self-determination scale
(Psicothema, 2018, Vol. 30, Núm. 2, 2018)Background: Acting in a self-determined manner, that is, using problem-solving or decision-making strategies, strongly depends on the opportunities the person is given to do so by the context. In fact, ... -
Claus per al futur
(Aloma, 2004, Núm. 13, 2004-01) -
Claves de futuro en la atención y apoyo a las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo ¿qué nos dice la ciencia?
(Siglo Cero, Vol. 46 (1), Núm. 253, 2015, gener-març, 2014)Este artículo describe las aportaciones de un debate cuyo objeto principal era responder, por parte de tres expertos, a una serie de tópicos, con la mirada puesta en un futuro de los próximos diez años, ... -
Comparison between the spanish and catalan versions of the Supports Intensity Scale for Children (SIS-C)
(Psicothema, 2017, Vol. 29, Núm. 1, 2017)The new socio-ecological model of disability directs attention to the importance of the environment in understanding individual functioning and promotes the provision of support from an early age. ... -
Conciliació de la vida professional i la vida familiar de les mares amb fills i filles amb discapacitat psíquica
(Aloma, 2004, Núm. 13, 2004-01) -
Facilitating factors for the job placement of workers with intellectual disabilities: supervisors and coworker mentors perspectives
(Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 28 set. 2020, 2020)Purpose – This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of organizational strategies, attitudes and supports that can help people with intellectual disabilities to access competitive jobs ... -
Fer-se gran : les persones amb retard mental també es fan grans
(Aloma, 2001, Núm. 9, 2001) -
L'Escala d'Intensitat de Suports (EIS): un instrument per promoure el benestar de les persones arnb discapacitat intel·lectual
(Suports, 2006, Vol. 10, Núm. 6, 2006)L'Escala d'irtensitat de Suports (EIS) és un instrument que té per finalitat avaluar les necessitats de suport, determinar-ne intensitat, supervisar-ne el progrés i avaluar els de les persores amb ... -
Projecte de recerca "Serveis i qualitat de vida per a les persones amb retard mental"
(Aloma, 2004, Núm. 13, 2004-01) -
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Personal Outcomes Scale
(International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2015) 15, 236---252, 2015-06)Personal outcomes-related quality of life provides information about the impact of individualized supports and services that are provided to people with intellectual disability. The Personal Outcomes ... -
Self-Determination, Intellectual Disability, and Context: A Meta-Analytic Study
(Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 2017, Vol. 55, Núm. 5, 2017-11-15)The relation between self-determination and intellectual functioning is complex, as other contextual factors may also play significant roles in explaining variability in selfdetermination. This study ... -
Utilizando el video prompting para enseñar a ponerse la chaqueta a estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual
(Escritos de psicologia, 2018, Vol. 11, Núm 2., 2018)Las estrategias basadas en el video (por ej., video prompting) se identifican como prácticas efectivas para la enseñanza de habilidades de la vida diaria En este estudio se ha evaluado la eficacia de ...