Llibres i capítols de llibres: Enviaments recents
Ara mostrant els elements 21-24 de 24
Análisis de la interactividad y HBBTV en canales autonómicos y especializados: el caso de Cataluña
(Narrativas y usuarios de la sociedad transmedia, 2022) -
Football, television, and infotainment to reshape spanish public opinion
(Periodismo deportivo en Iberoamérica: casos y desafíos, 2023-07) -
Journalism and analytics: the tension between journalistic criteria and data
(Emerging Practices in the Age of Automated Digital Journalism: Models, Languages, and Storytelling, 2022-10-21)This chapter is based on an exhaustive literature review of previous research into the application of web analytics to journalistic practice and on an analysis of the digital media’s news agenda. It ... -
Journalism and analytics: the tension between journalistic criteria and data
(2022-10-21)This chapter is based on an exhaustive literature review of previous research into the application of web analytics to journalistic practice and on an analysis of the digital media’s news agenda. It ...