Mostrando ítems 281-300 de 332

    • Comunicació intercultural, diplomàcia pública i regulació suau a la societat global 

      Carbonell Abelló, Josep Maria (Trípodos, núm. 42, 2018, 2018)
      En aquest article es pretén, en primer lloc, oferir una visió exhaustiva dels grans canvis impulsats per la comunicació en el marc d’una societat cada vegada més global. Quin tipus de societat ens trobem? ...
    • Missatges i formats publicitaris davant les noves pantalles 

      Santana, Eva (Trípodos, núm. 23, 2008, 2008)
      Advertising is immersed in an era of supersaturation of messages which call into question the effectiveness of the investment of the advertisers. This status quo coincides with the contributions of the ...
    • Publicitat i contracultura 

      Sabaté López, Joan; Rom Rodríguez, Josep A. (Trípodos, núm. 18, 2006, 2006)
      Des del naixement dels moviments avantguardistes del segle XX, entre les avantguardes i la publicitat hi va haver una fructífera influència mútua. És evident que les avantguardes tenen una necessitat ...
    • Entretenimiento transversal. Convergencia de contenidos entre la televisión, internet y los dispositivos móviles 

      Micó, Josep-Lluís (Trípodos, núm. 27, 2010, 2010)
      The objective of this article is to systematize the characteristics of the so-called media convergence with reference to today’s audio-visual entertainment. Our attention focuses primarily on the two ...
    • De la política a la política “polonitzada” 

      Sintes-Olivella, Marçal (Trípodos, núm. 27, 2010, 2010)
      This article analyzes the nature of the political comedy program Polònia (Poland), on TV3, and reflects on how it effects the way the audience perceives political activity and the principal Catalan ...
    • Atrapats entre Incerta glòria i Cartes a Màrius Torres. Realitat i ficció d’una altra Guerra Civil 

      Canosa i Farran, Francesc; Yeste Piquer, Elena (Trípodos, núm. 25, 2009, 2009)
      The work of the writer Joan Sales (Barcelona, 1912-1983) offers a complex, truthful and largely unknown view of the Civil War. It is not a hegemonic story, nor is it transmitted to other generations. ...
    • Periodisme i memòria virtual: quan el passat colonitza el present 

      Alvaro Vidal, Francesc Marc (Trípodos, núm. 25, 2009, 2009)
      This article analyzes the routines by which the recent past becomes news, and proposes considering the inflation of news about collective memory as proof of a media historiosity that displaces academic ...
    • Memòria, narració i reconciliació a Sud-àfrica, un balanç 

      Genovès, M. Dolors, 1954- (Trípodos, núm. 25, 2009, 2009)
      On 15 April 1996, South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) came into operation with the purpose of promoting the peace-making process in a society which had been subjected to decades of ...
    • Els spin doctors: quan el control del relat als mèdia esdevé el gran objectiu polític 

      Aira, Toni, 1977- (Trípodos, núm. 25, 2009, 2009)
      In a society which grows and develops in an audiovisual key, the language of the media conditions our perception of reality which we increasingly know in an indirect way. In this context, politics adapts ...
    • The Excellence Study in Internal Public Relations, An International Paradigm 

      Ordeix Rigo, Enric (Trípodos, núm. 24, 2009, 2009)
      L’article mostra com els indicadors de l’estudi d’Excel·lència són necessaris per tal de desenvolupar els elements clau de les relacions públiques internes i per ajudar a establir una identitat i una ...
    • Identitat estética en la hipermodernitat. El cas de “Cambio radical” 

      Anyó, Lluís; Rocamora, Josep M. (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      Media consumption imposes models and norms on the individual, who is abandoned to his destiny but constrained to follow it in the same physical identity: his own body. The aesthetic identity can turn ...
    • (Tele)visiones del futuro. O de cómo los medios colonizaron el cuerpo 

      Gómez, Iván (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      Like it or not, we are witnessing a process of media socialization without precedent in the history of communication. Programming is now the filling necessary for the real proprietor of television, the ...
    • Ciberperiodismo e información en la TDT: similitudes y diferencias 

      Micó, Josep-Lluís (Trípodos, núm. 22, 2008, 2008)
      Cyber-journalism and the news on terrestrial digital television (TDT) share numerous characteristics, such as the redefinition of the processes of production and of the responsibilities of media ...
    • L’opinió pública a la societat de la teleporqueria 

      Toutain, Ferran (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      The expression “trash TV” is commonly used in reference to a kind of TV program strongly characterized by sensationalism, manipulation of facts and bad taste. No matter how suitable that label is, it ...
    • Pedagogia i ciutat en el “Glosari” de Xènius 

      Tresserras i Majó, Miquel, (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      The magic word in ethics at the beginning of the 19th century was intervention. The society of the century that had just begun was to change radically thanks to the actions of journalists, teachers, ...
    • Teleindignidad, o el cadalso electrónico 

      Ruiz-Caballero, Carlos (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      Television has created a territory of impunity at the margins of society, of any society. Television admits and transmits behaviours that we would not tolerate except on screen. As an electronic socializing ...
    • Un món de mones. La persistència de Robert Robert 

      Toutain, Ferran (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      Josep Pla claimed that some articles of Robert Robert, published between 1865 and 1866 in Un tros de paper, a weekly satirical magazine, are among the best Catalan prose written in La Reinaxença, the ...
    • Josep Pla, periodisme i patriotisme 

      Vila, Enric, 1972- (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      The journalistic work of Josep Pla cannot be understood without the context of his commitment to the landscape where he was born and the people who speak his language. From an early age, Pla expressed ...
    • Sonidos para un fin de siglo. La (de)construcción musical en la Viena de Klimt 

      Radigales, Jaume (Trípodos, núm. 21, 2007, 2007)
      The known as “Finis Austriae” got its reply/response in various fields of art and thought, as a sample/token/sign of the last modernity. The suggested project is based on music from that period, as an ...
    • El Montaigne de Pla: del “moralisme” clàssic al periodisme modern 

      Sáez Mateu, Ferran (Trípodos, núm. 20, 2007, 2007)
      The current concept of “moralism”, or even of the term “moral”, has undergone a complex semantic evolution which started in the dying moments of the ancient world and continues today. The turning point ...