BAPNE method and Neurorehabilitation in patients with severe acquired brain injury
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The use of body percussion through BAPNE method in neurorehabilitation offers the possibility of studying the development of motor skills, attention, coordination, memory and social interaction of patients with neurological diseases. The experimental protocol was carried out on 52 patients with severe acquired brain injury. Patients were selected for the cut - off scores in the standard neuropsychologic al tests of sustained attention , divided and alert ; at least one emisoma intact, cut -off scores in the standard for procedural and semantic memory ; eye sight , hearing and speech intact. The first group of patients has supported the protocol BAPNE tougher with the traditional rehabilitation activities . The control group continued to perform exclusively the cognitive and neuromotor rehabilitation according to traditional protocols. At 6 months after administration of the protocol is expected to re-test to assess if present , the maintenance of the effects of rehabilitation obtained. Experimentation is carried out for 10 weeks following the protocol of BAPNE method in the Roboris Foundation of Rome.
Document Type
Object of conference
Subject (CDU)
616.1 - Pathology of the circulatory system, blood vessels. Cardiovascular complaints
616.8 - Neurology. Neuropathology. Nervous system
Percusión corporal
Daño cerebral
14 p.
Universidad de Alicante. XII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria. 2014
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