Mesura de l’Aliança Terapèutica entre Coach i Coachee
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Des de fa molts anys la figura del coach ha estat reconeguda com a un perfil
professional específic. De fet en els darrers anys, aquesta figura ha adquirit molta
rellevància a nivell social. S'està començant a estudiar el marc que possibilita el canvi
en el coachee, tenint en compte sempre les competències del coach. Aquesta tasca està
formada per dos actors, coach i coachee, i se sap que ambdós són fonamentals en el
procés. Aquest estudi pretén veure si el constructe aliança terapèutica, relatiu a la
relació existent entre terapeuta i pacient, i molt estudiada en l'àmbit de la psicologia
clínica, també es produeix entre coach i coachee, obtenint una intensitat alta en aliança.
L'estudi ha concebut l'aliança terapèutica com a producte entre les variables: vincle
emocional, acord en tasques i acord en objectius. Aquest estudi utilitza la traducció
espanyola de l'instrument WAI-S (Working Alliance Inventory-Short form), modificant
algunes paraules per a poder ser administrat a coaches. S'ha administrat a una mostra de
105 coaches acreditats per associacions espanyoles de coaching, obtenint com a resultat
que existeix una intensitat d'aliança entre coach i coachee alta. Així doncs, veiem que el
constructe aliança terapèutica és transversal amb el constructe working alliance entre
coach i coachee.
For many years the figure of the coach has been recognized as a specific professional
profile. In fact, in recent years this figure has acquired great importance in society.
Therefore, the framework which allows the change in the coachee is being studied,
always taking into account the coach skills. This task consists of two actors, coach and
coachee, and it is known that both are essential for the process. This investigation aims
to see if the construct therapeutic alliance, related to the existing relation between
therapist and patient, and largely studied in the field of clinical psychology, is also
carried out between coach and coachee, obtaining high intensity in alliance. The study
has conceived therapeutic alliance as a product between the variables: emotional bond,
agree in tasks and agree in goals. This study uses the Spanish translation of the WAI-S
instrument (Working Alliance Inventory-Short Form) by changing a few words, in order
to be administered to coaches. It has been administered to a sample of 105 coaches
accredited by Spanish associations of coaching, resulting in an existence of high
alliance intensity between coach and coachee. Thus, it is seen that the construct
therapeutic alliance is transverse to the construct working alliance, between coach and
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
Psicologia -- TFG
Psicoterapeuta i pacient -- TFG
28 p.
TFG del grau de Psicologia tutoritzat per Antoni Chaves
This item appears in the following Collection(s)
- Treballs finals de grau [295]
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