Now showing items 162-181 of 206

    • Professional competences to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan: a scoping review 

      Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Kozakiewicz, Mariusz; Głowacka, Mariola; Leclère, Mariel; Nimani, Endrit; Hoxha, Adnan; Hirvonen, Armi; Järvinen, Sari; van der Velde, Miriam; van Scherpenseel, Meike; Alves Lopes, Antonio; Santos, Hugo; Guimarães, Isabel; Handgraaf, Marietta; Grüneberg, Christian (European Journal of Ageing, 2023, 20:45, 2023-11)
      As societies age, the development of resources and strategies that foster healthy ageing from the beginning of life become increasingly important. Social and healthcare professionals are key agents in ...
    • Profile of osteopathic practice in Spain: results from a standardized data collection study 

      Alvarez Bustins, Gerard; López Plaza, Pedro Victor; Roura Carvajal, Sonia (BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018, 18:129, 2018-04)
      Background There is limited research regarding patients’ profiles and consumer attitudes and habits of osteopathy in Spain. The purpose of this study was to profile patients who regularly receive ...
    • Programa de coordinación en la transición asistencial para la mejora de la farmacoterapia entre un Servicio de Urgencias y un Centro Sociosanitario 

      Ruiz-Ramos, Jesús; Amorós-Reboredo, Patrícia; Puerta, Laura; Juanes Borrego, Ana; El Hilali Maso, N.; Hernández Hernández, Marta; Mangues-Bafalluy, Maria A. (Revista de la OFIL = ILAPHAR, 2022, vol. 32, núm. 2, p. 163-166, 2022)
      Objetivos: Describir un programa de colaboración entre farmacéuticos de un Servicio de Urgencias y un Centro sociosanitario, así como evaluar su impacto sobre la frecuencia de reconsulta al Servicio de ...
    • Promoting physical activity through primary health care: the case of Catalonia 

      Gonzalez-Viana, Angelina; Violan Fors, Mariona; Castell, Conxa; Rubinat Masot, Maica; Oliveras, Laura; García Gil, Juan José; Plasència, Antoni; Cabezas Peña, Carmen; PAFES working group (BMC Public Health, 2018, 18, 968, 2018-08)
      Background: In adults, as little as 10 minutes of moderate physical activity (PA) three times a day can help prevent non-communicable diseases and prolong life expectancy. The aim of the study was to ...
    • Proyecto de mejora de la atención a la población inmigrante en la atención primaria de salud en Cataluña 

      Rifà Ros, Rosa; Costa Tutusaus, Lluís; Olivé Adrados, Cristina; Pallarès Martí, Àngela; Pérez Pérez, Isabel (Infermera); Vila Gimeno, Carme (Cultura de los cuidados, 2006, any 10, núm. 20, 2006)
      Esta investigación quiere facilitar la aplicación de la metodología enfermera utilizando las taxonomías NANDA, NOC y NIC a una población inmigrante y se plantea los siguientes. Objetivos: - Identificar ...
    • La publicació en revistes d’impacte en llengua anglesa: una aproximació als articles de temàtica socioeducativa 

      Civís, Mireia; Díaz-Gibson, Jordi; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena (Temps d'educació, 2011, Núm. 41, 2011)
      L’article presenta el funcionament del procés de publicació científica i facilita informació significativa per als investigadors de l’àmbit socioeducatiu de cara a publicar en revistes de prestigi. Amb ...
    • Radial extracorporeal shock wave device appearance does not influence clinical outcomes: a randomized controlled trial 

      Morral Fernández, Antoni; Urrútia Cuchí, Gerard; Gich Saladich, Ignasi; Ruiz, Reme; Bonfill, X. (Xavier) (Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2019, vol. 51, núm. 3, p. 201-208, 2019)
      Objective: To determine whether the appearance of a radial extracorporeal shock wave device affects clinical outcomes in chronic plantar fasciitis. Study design: Randomized controlled parallel ...
    • Relación entre precisión diagnóstica y actitud frente a los diagnósticos de enfermería en estudiantes de grado 

      Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Pérez Pérez, Isabel (Infermera); Lamoglia Puig, Montserrat; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís (Educación médica, 2019, vol. 20, supl. 2, p. 33-38, 2019-09)
      Propósito Evaluar la precisión diagnóstica de los estudiantes de tercer curso del Grado en Enfermería y analizar su posible relación con la actitud hacia el diagnóstico de enfermería. Métodos Mediante ...
    • Relationship between healthy lifestyle and sociodemographic factors in adolescents in Catalonia: application of VISA-TEEN Questionnaire 

      Costa Tutusaus, Lluís; Guerra Balic, Míriam (PLoS one, 2016, vol. 11, núm. 9, 2016-09)
      There is a clear relationship between the way of life and the health of individuals, and therefore, we can speak of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. There are different surveys and questionnaires that ...
    • Remission of obesity and insulin resistance is not sufficient to restore mitochondrial homeostasis in visceral adipose tissue 

      Gonzalez-Franquesa, Alba; Gama Pérez, Pau; Kulis, Marta; Szczepanowska, Karolina; Dahdah, Norma; Moreno-Gomez, Sonia; Latorre-Pellicer, Ana; Fernández-Ruiz, Rebeca; Aguilar-Mogas, Antoni; Hoffman, Anne; Monelli, Erika; Samino, Sara; Miró-Blanch, Joan; Oemer, Gregor; Duran, Xavier; Sanchez-Rebordelo, Estrella; Schneeberger, Marc; Obach, Merce; Montane Mogas, Joel; Castellano, Giancarlo; Chapaprieta, Vicente; Sun, Wenfei; Navarro, Lourdes; Prieto, Ignacio; Castaño, Carlos; Novials, Anna; Gomis, Ramon; Monsalve, Maria; Claret, Marc; Graupera, Mariona; Soria, Guadalupe; Wolfrum, Christian; Vendrell, Joan; Fernández-Veledo, Sonia; Enríquez, José Antonio; Carracedo, Angel; Perales , José Carlos; Nogueiras, Ruben; Herrero, Laura; Trifunovic, Aleksandra; Keller, Markus A.; Yanes, Oscar; Sales-Pardo, Marta; Guimerà, Roger; Blüher, Matthias; Martín-Subero, José Ignacio; Garcia-Roves, Pablo M. (Redox Biology, 2022, 54: 102353, 2022-06)
      Metabolic plasticity is the ability of a biological system to adapt its metabolic phenotype to different environmental stressors. We used a whole-body and tissue-specific phenotypic, functional, proteomic, ...
    • Repensar la pobresa a Barcelona amb el nou indicador europeu reference budgets 

      Cussó Parcerisas, Irene; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Riera Romaní, Jordi (Barcelona Societat, 2019, núm. 23, p. 52-65, 2019-03)
      En aquest article presentem pressupostos de referència reference budgets, els quals són cistelles de béns i serveis que il·lustren el mínim de recursos necessaris perquè les persones assoleixin un nivell ...
    • Reptes ètics de les aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils en l'atenció infermera 

      González Gálvez, Pilar (Ars Brevis, 2015, núm. 21, p. 161-184, 2015-06)
      El mercat actual ens ofereix una presència creixent d’aplicacions de salut per a dispositius de telefonia mòbil. Els professionals ens preguntem si el seu ús és recomanable i quines repercussions pot ...
    • Respiratory function in patients post-infection by COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Vasconcello Castillo, Luis; Alsina Restoy, Xavier; Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Burgos, Felip; Puppo, Homero; Vilaró, Jordi (Pulmonology, 2021, 27(4): 328-337, 2021-08)
      Background: Evidence suggests lungs as the organ most affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The literature on previous coronavirus infections reports that patients may experience persistent ...
    • Respiratory muscle training in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Torres Castro, Rodrigo; Solis-Navarro, Lilian; Puppo, Homero; Alcaraz-Serrano, Victoria; Vasconcello Castillo, Luis; Vilaró, Jordi; Vera Uribe, Roberto (Clocks & Sleep, 2022, 4(2), 219-229, 2022-04)
      Background: Effective treatments for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) include positive pressure, weight loss, oral appliances, surgery, and exercise. Although the involvement of the respiratory muscles ...
    • Role of HDL function and LDL atherogenicity on cardiovascular risk: a comprehensive examination 

      Hernáez, Álvaro; Soria Florido, María Trinidad; Schröder, Helmut, 1958-; Ros Rahola, Emilio; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Arós, Fernando; Serra Majem, Lluís; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Fiol Sala, Miguel; Lapetra, José; Elosua Llanos, Roberto; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat (PLoS One, 2019, vol. 14, núm. 6: e0218533, 2019-06)
      Background High-density lipoprotein (HDL) functionality and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) atherogenic traits can describe the role of both particles on cardiovascular diseases more accurately than HDL- ...
    • Salud sexual de las personas con discapacidad física: educación sexual 

      Ponsa Masana, Myriam; Sànchez i Ruiz, Emília; Botella, Lluis (International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology INFAD Revista de psicología, 2018, vol. 3, núm. 1, p. 41-52, 2018-04)
      Las personas con discapacidad a menudo quedan excluidas del constructo social de funcionalidad y satisfacción sexual, debido a la existencia de ciertos estereotipos sexuales negativos que suelen tener ...
    • SARS-CoV-2 in pregnancy: a comprehensive summary of current guidelines 

      Narang, Kavita; Ibirogba, Eniola R.; Elrefaei, Amro; Teles Abrao Trad, Ayssa; Theiler, Regan; Nomura, Roseli; Picone, Olivier; Kilby, Mark; Escuriet Peiró, Ramon; Suy Franch, Anna; Carreras Moratonas, Elena; Tonni, Gabriele; Ruano, Rodrigo (Journal of clinical medicine, 2020, vol. 9, núm. 5, 1521, 2020-05-18)
      Since the declaration of the global pandemic of COVID-19 by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020, we have continued to see a steady rise in the number of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2. ...
    • Sedentary behavior, physical activity, and mental health in older adults: An isotemporal substitution model 

      Tully, Mark A.; McMullan, Ilona; Blackburn, Nicole E.; Wilson, Jason J.; Bunting, Brendan; Smith, Lee; Kee, Frank; Deidda, Manuela; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Coll Planas, Laura; Dallmeier, Dhayana; Denkinger, Michael; Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Caserotti, Paolo (Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 2020, vol. 30, núm. 10, p. 1957-1965, 2020-07)
      Introduction Regular moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is associated with improved mental health, but the evidence for the effect of reducing sedentary behavior (SB) or increasing light PA ...
    • Service learning in the nursing bachelor thesis: a mixed-methods study 

      Roca Llobet, Judith; Gros Navés, Silvia; Canet Vélez, Olga; Torralbas Ortega, Jordi; Tort Nasarre, Glòria; Postic, Tijana; Martínez, Laura (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19:12387, 2022-09)
      The Final Degree Project (FDP) is a module that, although intended for the completion of a bachelor thesis (BT), consists of theoretical and clinical teaching. Therefore, introducing service learning ...
    • Socio-environmental correlates of physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 

      Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane; Gimeno Santos, Elena; Barberan-Garcia, Anael; Benet Mora, Marta; Borrell, Eulàlia; Dadvand, Payam; Foraster, Maria; Marin, Alicia; Monteagudo, Mònica; Rodriguez-Roisin, Robert; Vall-Casas, Pere; Vilaró, Jordi; García Aymerich, Judith (Thorax, 2017, 72:796-802, 2017-03)
      Background: Study of the causes of the reduced levels of physical activity in patients with COPD has been scarce and limited to biological factors. Aim: To assess the relationship between novel ...