Impact of low stocking densities shrimp farm effluents in water quality of a tropical coastal wetland
Nomen i Ribé, Rosa
Sempere Cebrian, Julià
Rovira, M.D.
de López, N.A.
Altres autors/es
Universitat Ramon Llull. IQS
Data de publicació
2020-03Altres títols
Impacto de los efluentes de granjas camaroneras con baja densidad de siembra en la calidad del agua de un humedal costero tropical
Impacte dels efluents de granges de gambetes amb baixa densitat de sembrada en la qualitat de l'aigua d'un aiguamoll costaner tropical
The effects of shrimp aquaculture on the water quality of the Jiquilisco Bay (El Salvador) was evaluated for small-scale shrimp farming with low stocking densities (≤ 12 shrimps/m2). Two sites were selected for study: one in a concentrated shrimp farming area and the other few kilometers away without shrimp farms influence. Water samples were collected at nine different locations for spatial assessment and were taken on three occasions for temporal assessment. Parameters related to nutrient waste from shrimp farms included: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids, nitrate, nitrite, dissolved phosphorus and ammonia, temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen. Effluents from shrimp farms did not exceed the limits established by regulatory norms for nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, BOD, pH and phosphorus. Significant differences for the concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) and BOD were observed. They were higher in the channel with shrimp farms influence and always in the raining season, probably due to the drag of the rivers more than the shrimp production. It seems that at these stocking densities the carrying capacity of Jiquilisco bay was not exceeded.
Tipus de document
Versió publicada
Matèries (CDU)
54 - Química
Paraules clau
Llagostins--Efecte de la qualitat de l'aigua
Shrimp farming effluents
Water quality
Environmental impact
Low stocking density
Coastal wetland
Efluentes del cultivo de camarón
Calidad del agua
Impacto ambiental
Baja densidad de siembra
Humedal costero
Efluents del cultiu de gambeta
Qualitat de l'aigua
Impacte ambiental
Baixa densitat de sembrada
Aiguamoll costaner
10 p.
Publicat per
Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros del Instituto Químico de Sarrià
Publicat a
Afinidad. Vol.77, n.589 (2020), p.53-62
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