Esade: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 201
Binding moral values gain importance in the presence of close others
(Nature Communications, 2021)A key function of morality is to regulate social behavior. Research suggests moral values may be divided into two types: binding values, which govern behavior in groups, and individualizing values, which ... -
Building a network of TP53 and IGHV testing reference centers across Spain: the Red53 initiative
(Annals of Hematology, 2021)Among the different biomarkers predicting response in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most influential parameters are the mutational status of the IGHV genes and the presence of TP53 gene ... -
Transformational behaviors: Increasing work engagement in multinational environments
(Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2021)The role of a leader is fundamental to increase organizational culture and facilitate employee engagement. However, organizations are not providing clear guidance on how to do it. This study aims to ... -
Differential Replication for Credit Scoring in Regulated Environments
(Entropy, 2021)Differential replication is a method to adapt existing machine learning solutions to the demands of highly regulated environments by reusing knowledge from one generation to the next. Copying is a ... -
The Challenges of Machine Learning and Their Economic Implications
(Entropy, 2021)The deployment of machine learning models is expected to bring several benefits. Nevertheless, as a result of the complexity of the ecosystem in which models are generally trained and deployed, this ... -
Accommodating Practices During Episodes of Disillusionment with Mobile IT
(Information Systems Frontiers, 2021)This study investigates how tablet users react when technology falls short of their expectations. We deploy a data/frame model to study this process and investigate resistance-related reactions and the ... -
Impact pathways: towards an adapted understanding of the development of operational capabilities
(International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2022)Purpose: This study is intended to motivate and guide future researchers to rethink and update their theories of operational capability development. By examining the extensive body of research on ... -
A paradox approach to sustainable product-service systems
(Industrial Marketing Management, 2022)A move towards the business model of product-service systems (PSS) holds the promise of changing customer behaviour in a more sustainable direction. While this promise of PSS to play a key role in ... -
From corporate governance to sustainability outcomes: the key role of operations management
(International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2022)Purpose: This article studies the role played by sustainability operations management (OM) practices in the relationship between governance and environmental and social performance adopting the lenses ... -
Who Has a Seat at the Table in Impact Investing? Addressing Inequality by Giving Voice
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2022)Despite recognizing the importance of impact investing in combating complex societal challenges, researchers have yet to examine the capacity of the field to address systemic inequality. While impact ... -
From Business Ethics to Business Education Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s Contribution
(Humanistic Management Journal, 2022)This essay begins with a look at the contribution made by Business Ethics and by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Business Education, and how the first two have moved to the last over time. Yet ... -
Governance rigidity, industry evolution, and value capture in platform ecosystems
(Research Policy, 2022)Existing work has shown how, in platform ecosystems, firms can capture above-average rents by controlling hard-to-replace segments. However, initial conditions can have a lasting effect on a platform ... -
Systematizing serendipity for big science infrastructures: The ATTRACT project
(Technovation, 2022)Big Science Research Infrastructures (BSRIs) are tremendous sources of ‘deep-tech’ with the potential to foment alternative commercial applications in diverse industries. Yet, cultivating novel applications ... -
Future care for long-term cancer survivors: towards a new model
(Clinical and Translational Oncology, 2022)Purpose: The increase in the prevalence "long-term cancer survivor” (LCS) patients is expected to increase the cost of LCS care. The aim of this study was to obtain information that would allow to ... -
Should payments for environmental services be used to implement zero-deforestation supply chain policies? The case of soy in the Brazilian Cerrado
(World Development, 2022)Over the past decade public and private actors have been developing a variety of new policy approaches for addressing agriculturally-driven deforestation linked to international supply chains. While ... -
The political hourglass: opportunistic behavior in local government policy decisions
(International Public Management Journal, 2022)The aim of this article is to determine whether there is opportunistic behavior in local government decisions related to contracting out, public-private partnership (PPP) and/or public externalization. ... -
A Banking Platform to Leverage Data Driven Marketing with Machine Learning
(Entropy, 2022)Payment data is one of the most valuable assets that retail banks can leverage as the major competitive advantage with respect to new entrants such as Fintech companies or giant internet companies. In ... -
The cost of conformity to good governance: Board design and compensation
(Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2022)Research question/issue: Albeit the fact that the “one-size-fits-all” corporate governance model has been mostly discarded, the debate on what constitutes a well-governed firm has converged toward a ... -
Dual identity, bicultural identity integration and social identity complexity among Muslim minority adolescents
(Self & Identity, 2022)We examined cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between national and religious identification, Bicultural Identity Integration (BII), and Social Identity Complexity (SIC) among Muslim adolescents ... -
Beliefs in inevitable justice curb revenge behaviours: Cultural perspectives on karma
(European Journal of Social Psychology, 2023)Across cultures, people believe that moral actions have ‘karmic’ consequences. Do cultures share assumptions about how karma operates? Four studies (N = 1114) assessed cultural differences in perceptions ...