Esade: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 201
Environmental Adaptation and Differential Replication in Machine Learning
(Entropy, 2020)When deployed in the wild, machine learning models are usually confronted with an environment that imposes severe constraints. As this environment evolves, so do these constraints. As a result, the ... -
Bringing owners back on board: A review of the role of ownership type in board governance
(Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2020)Research Question/Issue: In this comprehensive literature review, we synthesize and analyze the current state of academic research regarding the relatively understudied relationship between the type ... -
The adoption of governance mechanisms in family businesses: an institutional lens
(Journal of Family Business Management, 2020)Purpose: Despite agreement on the importance of adopting governance structures for developing competitive advantage, we still know little about why or how governance mechanisms are adopted in the first ... -
Creating business models for smart cities: a practical framework
(Public Management Review, 2020)Smart cities can use business models to evaluate what value they offer citizens by integrating ICT into their infrastructure and services. The article introduces the concept of the ‘city business model’ ... -
Understanding Location Decisions of Energy Multinational Enterprises within the European Smart Cities’ Context: An Integrated AHP and Extended Fuzzy Linguistic TOPSIS Method
(Energies, 2020)Becoming a smart city is one of the top priorities in the urban agenda of many European cities. Among the various strategies in the transition path, local governments seek to bring innovation to their ... -
From Intended to Actual and Beyond: A Cross-Disciplinary View of (Human Resource Management) Implementation
(International Journal of Management Reviews, 2020)Despite increasing interest in human resource management (HRM) implementation as an explanation for the association between HRM and firm performance, considerable confusion remains about what implementation ... -
When suppliers shift my boundaries: Supplier employee mobility and its impact on buyer firms' sourcing strategy
(Strategic Management Journal, 2020)Research summary: Buyer firms respond to supplier employee mobility by reshuffling work among suppliers. However, the extant literature has not considered plural-sourcing firms which can bring work ... -
Ethnic diversity, ethnic threat, and social cohesion: (re)-evaluating the role of perceived out-group threat and prejudice in the relationship between community ethnic diversity and intra-community cohesion
(Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019)Research frequently demonstrates diverse communities exhibit lower intra-community cohesion. Recent studies suggest there is little evidence perceived ethnic threat plays a role in this relationship. ... -
P-curve won’t do your laundry, but it will distinguish replicable from non-replicable findings in observational research: Comment on Bruns & Ioannidis (2016)
(PLOS One, 2019)p-curve, the distribution of significant p-values, can be analyzed to assess if the findings have evidential value, whether p-hacking and file-drawering can be ruled out as the sole explanations for ... -
Spatial and Temporal Entropies in the Spanish Football League: A Network Science Perspective
(Entropy, 2020)We quantified the spatial and temporal entropy related to football teams and their players by means of a pass-based interaction. First, we calculated the spatial entropy associated to the positions of ... -
When geography matters: International diversification and firm performance of Spanish multinationals
(BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2020)This paper studies how the nature and shape of the relationship between inter- national diversification (ID) and performance (P) may vary according to a firm’s geographical focus of internationalization. ... -
Consistency and identifiability of football teams: a network science perspective
(Scientific Reports, 2020)We investigated the ability of football teams to develop a particular playing style by looking at their passing patterns. Using the information contained in the pass sequences during matches, we constructed ... -
Copying Machine Learning Classifiers
(IEEE Access, 2020)We study copying of machine learning classifiers, an agnostic technique to replicate the decision behavior of any classifier. We develop the theory behind the problem of copying, highlighting its ... -
Smart Tourism Empowered by Artificial Intelligence: The Case of Lanzarote
(Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 2020)Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the rules of the game in many industries. This case details how the combination of open innovation and artificial intelligence generates new opportunities in the ... -
Un nuevo orden de prioridad en el caso de violación simultánea de la Constitución y de la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión: la «sugerencia» de la Corte Costituzionale a los jueces nacionales
(Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 2020)Los efectos directos y la fuerza vinculante de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea suponen que un número creciente de cuestiones prejudiciales planteadas por los jueces nacionales ... -
Dynamic capabilities: The role of board monitoring and managerial incentives
(BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2020)Research on the nature and value of firms’ dynamic capabilities has produced contradictory propositions and findings. Scholars have argued that contingency theorizing has the potential to improve our ... -
Improving public services by mining citizen feedback: An application of natural language processing
(Public Administration, 2020)Research on user satisfaction has increased substantially in recent years. To date, most studies have tested the significance of predefined factors thought to influence user satisfaction, with no scalable ... -
System 1 Is Not Scope Insensitive: A New, Dual-Process Account of Subjective Value
(Journal of Consumer Research, 2020)Companies can create value by differentiating their products and services along quantitative attributes. Existing research suggests that consumers’ tendency to rely on relatively effortless and affect-based ... -
Effect of transformational behavior on millennial job satisfaction
(Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2021)Leaders are responsible for empowering and driving employees to succeed in challenging times or changes and, ultimately, achieve the best results. One of the biggest dilemmas in today’s leaders’ agenda ... -
Retooling the Sustainability Standards in EU Free Trade Agreements
(Journal of International Economic Law, 2021)The EU’s weak promotional policy towards sustainability in its free trade arguments is up for revision. Labour and environmental standards need to be tightened. They were given a boost on balance by a ...