Esade: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 201
Rationally blind? Rationality polarizes policy support for colour blindness versus multiculturalism
(British Journal of Social Psychology, 2024)Do White Americans prefer society to be ‘colour-blind’ by rising above racial identities, or ‘multicultural’ by openly discussing and considering them? We developed an ideology-rationality model to ... -
Diversity representation in advertising
(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2023)In this article we develop a comprehensive understanding of diverse representation in advertising. While numerous studies highlight increasing demand for diversity among some consumers, such enthusiasm ... -
Does Cash Really Mean Trash? An Empirical Investigation into the Effect of Retailer Price Promotions on Household Food Waste
(Journal of Consumer Research, 2023)Retailer price promotions, and in particular multi-unit deals such as the ubiquitous “buy one, get one,” are often criticized as a cause of food waste, presumably because they lure households into buying ... -
Optimal robust inventory management with volume flexibility: Matching capacity and demand with the lookahead peak‐shaving policy
(Production and Operations Management, 2023)We study inventory control with volume flexibility: A firm can replenish using period‐dependent base capacity at regular sourcing costs and access additional supply at a premium. The optimal replenishment ... -
Sexismo en la publicidad televisiva: análisis comparativo entre 2018-2022
(Razón y Palabra, 2023)El sexismo en la publicidad televisiva es un objeto de estudio analizado especialmente en los últimos años a causa de su impacto en la sociedad. Se han llevado a cabo actividades diversas para cambiar ... -
La relación entre las vías de comunicación de las infracciones en la Ley 2/2023 de protección del informante desde la perspectiva de la persona trabajadora y su empleadora
(IUSLabor, 2023)La ley 2/2023 de protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones ha establecido una relación entre los canales de información de tales infracciones entre sí y de ellos con la alternativa de ... -
The role of mindfulness on the relationship between daily micro-events and daily gratitude: A within-person analysis
(Personality and Individual Differences, 2023)This study is based on the affective events theory and aimed to investigate the situational predictors for mindfulness-related differences in daily affect and gratitude. We tested a mediated moderation ... -
Community in Organizational Research: A Review and an Institutional Logics Perspective
(Organization Theory, 2023)More than a decade ago, Thornton and colleagues added community to the inter-institutional system and argued that the community logic shapes individual and organizational behavior, determines organizing ... -
Strategic decision making in smart home ecosystems: A review on the use of artificial intelligence and Internet of things
(Internet of Things (Netherlands), 2023)In the context of smart-home ecosystems (SHE), this paper reviews the existing literature on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of things (IoT) concepts in strategic decision-making. ... -
Business accountability in the Anthropocene
(Environmental Policy and Governance, 2023)The arrival of the Anthropocene requires a profound rethinking of business accountability. A central challenge in this age is the possibility of pushing past planetary boundaries, which may irreversibly ... -
A Scalable and Efficient Iterative Method for Copying Machine Learning Classifiers
(Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023)Differential replication through copying refers to the process of replicating the decision behavior of a machine learning model using another model that possesses enhanced features and attributes. This ... -
Effects of absolute levels of neighbourhood ethnic diversity vs. changes in neighbourhood diversity on prejudice: Moderation by individual differences in personality
(Social Science Research, 2023)This paper examines drivers of prejudicial attitudes among adults in the UK, focusing on the interaction between ethnic out-group size and personality traits. Leveraging data from the National Child ... -
Selective exposure bias predicts views on diversity over time
(Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 2023)Despite growing diversity, many individuals do not support it, posing a challenge to the successful functioning of societies, institutions, and organizations. We investigated the role of the selective ... -
Searching to avoid regret in charitable giving
(Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2023)Regret aversion often compels individuals to undertake extensive searches before making a choice. Yet, donors hardly search among charitable alternatives prior to giving. It is unclear if donors search ... -
Examining the Motivations Underlying International Students’ Migration Behaviors: the Case of Master’s Students in Spain
(Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2024)This study aims to examine the motivations that international graduate students have to either migrate or return home after completing their master’s degree in Spain, one of the most important and yet ... -
Sexualize one, objectify all? The sexualization spillover effect on female job candidates
(Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024)We examined whether sexualizing a businesswoman impacts attitudes toward subsequently evaluated, nonsexualized females applying for a corporate managerial position. Research shows that sexualized women ... -
Moral Disjunction and Role Coadunation in Business and the Professions
(Business Ethics Quarterly, 2024)We consider the problem of moral disjunction in professional and business activities from a virtue-ethical perspective. Moral disjunction arises when the behavioral demands of a role conflict with ... -
Biased Calibration Exacerbating Instead of Mitigating Entrepreneurial Overplacement with Reference Values
(Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2024)Nascent entrepreneurs often believe that their chances of success are better than those of others due to imperfect information about the competencies and accomplishments of other entrepreneurs, leading ... -
Social media disclosure and reputational damage
(Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2024)We provide new evidence on the effects of social media in the context of a financial scandal using a sample of banks that were accused of manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). We find ... -
Constructing a World for Compassion: How Temporal Work Can Preserve Compassion in Extreme Contexts
(Journal of Management Studies, 2024)This article extends previous research on how compassion can be preserved in extreme contexts, highlighting the phenomenological experience of time in practices. Based on an ethnographic study of hospice ...