Ball-burnishing effect on deep residual stress on AISI 1038 and AA2017-T4
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Ball-burnishing induces compressive residual stresses on treated materials by the effect of plastic deformation. The result is an increase in the fatigue life of the treated part, retarding the initiation of cracks on the surface. Compressive residual stresses have been previously measured by X-ray diffraction near the surface, revealing considerably high values at the maximum analyzed depth, in relation to other finishing processes such as shot peening. However, the maximum analyzed depth is very limited by using this technique. In this paper, the incremental hole drilling (IHD) technique is tested to measure residual stresses, being able to reach a 2-mm measuring depth. To that objective, a commercial strain gage is used and calibrated using finite element model simulations. A second Finite Element Model based on material removal rate is developed to obtain the equations to calculate the strain release through IHD. Finally, residual stresses are measured experimentally with that technique on two different materials, confirming that ball-burnishing increases the compressive residual stresses in layers up to 0.5 mm deep for the testing conditions, which is a good response to industrial needs. The method proves to be suitable, simple and inexpensive way to measure the value of these tensions.
Document Type
Accepted version
Subject (CDU)
620 - Materials testing. Commercial materials. Power stations. Economics of energy
Ball burnishing
Plastic deformation
Compressive residual stresses
37 p.
Taylor and Francis
Is part of
Materials and Manufacturing Processes. Vol. 32, No.11 (2017), p.1279-1289
Grant agreement number
eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/PN I+D/DPI2015-69803-R
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Materials and Manufacturing Processes on 09/05/2017, available online:
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