Audit partner industry specialization and audit quality: evidence from Spain
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We investigate the impact of the industry specialization of individual auditors on audit quality. We aim to contribute to a quickly growing line of research examining the importance of audit partners as determinants of audit quality. To provide robust results, we use several proxies of both industry specialization and audit quality. We conduct the empirical analysis with a sample of Spanish listed companies for the research period between 2005 and 2013. Our main result is the lack of a significant impact of the industry specialization of audit partners on audit quality. This result seems sound, as it holds for the several measures of industry specialization and audit quality used in the empirical study. Our main result, which contradicts most of the scarce available evidence, would stress the importance of the institutional context in the study of the industry specialization–audit quality relationship and advocates the need for further research.
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Matèries (CDU)
33 - Economia
Paraules clau
Empreses auditores
Audit quality
Audit services
Auditor expertise
Lead audit partner
Discretionary accruals
27 p.
Publicat per
John Wiley & Sons
Publicat a
International Journal of Auditing. Vol.22, n.1 (2018), p.98-108
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Garcia Blandon, J.; Argiles Bosch, J.M. Audit partner industry specialization and audit quality: evidence from Spain. En: International Journal of Auditing, 2017. Vol. 22, n.1, p.98-108, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
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