Empirical analysis of the incidence of accidents in the workplace on firms' financial performance
Other authors
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This paper performs an empirical analysis on the incidence of labor accidents on firm financial performance. With data on financial statements and labor accidents of 299 Spanish firms for 6 different years we perform panel data estimations and find a negative influence of accident rate on return on assets, as well as on abnormal return on assets. The incidence of accident rate is not shown up immediately in the profit and loss statements. It is mainly realized in the future. We find a significant negative influence in one year ahead financial performance. This finding suggests that labor accidents are disruptors of business operations, affecting mostly to value-added activities related with long term coordination and planning. Results are robust across different estimations methods and with estimations with different control variables.
Document Type
Accepted version
Subject (CDU)
331 - Labour. Employment. Work. Labour economics. Organization of labour.
65 - Communication and transport industries. Accountancy. Business management. Public relations
Impost sobre el valor afegit
Gestió d'actius i passius
Labor accidents
Occupational accidents
Work injuries
Firm financial performance
Return on assets
34 p.
Is part of
Safety Science. Vol.70 (2014), p.123-132
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