Browsing by Subject "004"
Now showing items 1-20 of 215
1st International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that help Improving Access to Disabled Users (MSIADU’09)
(Proceedings of the 17h ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2009-10)This Workshop is based on the work carried out during the 3rd International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing (HCC08) held at the ACM Multimedia 2008 conference in Vancouver [1]. There, participants ... -
A Comparative Survey of Feature Extraction and Machine Learning Methods in Diverse Acoustic Environments
(Sensors, 2021, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2021-02)Acoustic event detection and analysis has been widely developed in the last few years for its valuable application in monitoring elderly or dependant people, for surveillance issues, for multimedia ... -
A Heterogeneous Layer-Based Trustworthiness Model for Long Backhaul NVIS Challenging Networks and an IoT Telemetry Service for Antarctica
(Sensors, 2021, 21 (10), 2021-05)Antarctica is a key location for many research fields. The lack of telecommunication systemsthat interconnect remote base camps hardens the possibility of building synergies among differentpolar research ... -
A Heuristic to Create Prosumer Community Groups in the Social Internet of Energy
(Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20 No 13, 2020-07)Contrary to the rapid evolution experienced in the last decade of Information andCommunication Technologies and particularly the Internet of Things, electric power distributionsystems have ... -
A Methodology to Study the University’s Online Teaching Activity from Virtual Platform Indicators: The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
(Sustainability, 2021, 13 (9), 2021-05)The Covid-19 pandemic led Catalan universities to do all teaching and evaluation onlinefrom 11 March 2020 until the end of term on 30 July. Conventional universities made the transition toonline teaching ... -
A preamble to the use of ChatGPT in education
(Actes de la 3a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2023-01-25)To contribute to the framing of the discussion on the use of ChatGPT in education, a brief explanation on its structure and technology is presented. -
A Privacy-Oriented Local Web Learning Analytics JavaScript Library with a Configurable Schema to Analyze Any Edtech Log: Moodle’s Case Study
(Sustainability, 2021, 13 (9), 2021-05)Educational institutions are transferring analytics computing to the cloud to reduce costs.Any data transfer and storage outside institutions involve serious privacy concerns, such as studentidentity ... -
A qualitative approach to help adjust the design of management subjects in ICT engineering undergraduate programs through user experience in a smart classroom context
(Sensors, 2021-07-12)Qualitative research activities, including first-day of class surveys and user experience interviews on completion of a subject were carried out to obtain students’ feedback in order to improve the ... -
A Really low voltage solar MPPT
(2010)Energy harvesting or scavenging describes the process of extracting useful electrical energy from other ambient energy sources. Three main sources of ambient energy include vibrational, thermal and solar ... -
A Smart Campus’ Digital Twin for Sustainable Comfort Monitoring
(Sustainability, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 21, 2020-11)Interdisciplinary cross-cultural and cross-organizational research offers great opportunities for innovative breakthroughs in the field of smart cities, yet it also presents organizational and knowledge ... -
A Systematic Review of Current Strategies and Methods for BIM Implementation in the Academic Field
(Applied Sciences, 2021, 11 (12), 2021-06)Since the international governmental institutions required and/or recommended (accord-ing to the regulations of each country and continent) all public works to be certified in the BIM(Building Information ... -
Accesibilidad Web en entornos culturales
(Actas de Conferencia Iadis Ibero-Americana. WWW/ Internet, 2008-12)La página WEB de cualquier institución se ha convertido en los últimos años en un referente comunicativo de sus actividades. Si nos centramos en el mundo de la cultura, los museos siguen siendo un ... -
Acoustic description of the soundscape of a real-life intensive farm and its impact on animal welfare: a preliminary analysis of farm sounds and bird vocalizations
(2020)Poultry meat is the world’s primary source of animal protein due to the low cost andit is widely eaten at global level. However, intensive production is required to sup-ply the demand although it ... -
AI Applications in digital business
(Actes de la 4a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2024-01-24) -
AISOY Social Robot as a tool to learn how to code versus tangible and non-tangible approaches
(2015-10)In this paper we have conducted a study to validate the use of educational social robotics as an hybrid system between the traditional approach of using technology in the classroom based on computers ... -
ALGTEC: Un complemento a la enseñanza del álgebra lineal en carreras de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones
(2002-06)En este artículo se presenta la aplicación multimedia ALGTEC (ÁLGebra y TECnología) que pretende acercar al alumno de ingeniería al ‘mundo del álgebra’ y a algunas de sus aplicaciones en el ‘mundo ... -
Ampliació de l'estudi i implementació del protocol d'streaming peer to peer: PPSP
(2011)PPSP és l’abreviació de Peer to Peer Streaming Protocol. El seu objectiu és definir un protocol de localització i transmissió de dades en temps real de manera eficient a partir de múltiples fonts amb ... -
An Adaptive and Scalable Replication Protocol on Power Smart Grids
(Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2011, Vol. 12, no. 3, 2011-09)Cloud based storage systems are known to provide high scalability and reliability overcoming the traditional constraints of static distributed systems. The processing capacity over thousands of machines ... -
Analisi de l'avaluació incremental i de l'aplicació eficient de l'Algorisme Genètic en un Sistema Classificador
(2001-10)Aquest article parteix de l'ana!isi del sistema MOLeeS, un sistema classificador (eS) que evoluciona un conjunt de regles de classificació a partir d'algorismes genetics (GA). El sistema es descomposa ... -
Analizando el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos: un caso práctico
(2019-07)Actualmente la analítica del aprendizaje nos proporciona herramientas que nos permiten conocer con más detalle el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes y, gracias a ello, podemos realizar mejoras ...