• Optimistic concurrency control with partial replication design 

      Climent Ferrer, August; Navarro Martín, Joan; Bertran, Miquel; Babot, Francesc (2009-11)
      This paper presents a performance comparison of optimistic concurrency control algorithms using a database design with partial replication. Most studies always assume total replication design, but this ...
    • Prototyping a Software Defined Utility 

      Martín de Pozuelo, Ramon; Zaballos Diego, Agustín; Navarro Martín, Joan; Corral Torruella, Guiomar (Energies, 2017. Vol. 10, 6, 2017-06)
      The smart grid can be seen as a hybrid system composed by many systems. From a large scale point of view, it combines the electric power system itself and a heterogeneous information and communication ...
    • PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for EnablingPrivacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments 

      Zohra Benhamida, Fatima; Navarro Martín, Joan; Gómez Carmona, Oihane; Casado Mansilla, Diego; López de Ipiña, Diego; Zaballos Diego, Agustín (Sensors, 2021, 21 (11), 2021-05)
      The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the massive growth of devices connected tothe Internet are reshaping modern societies. However, human lifestyles are not evolving at the samepace as ...
    • Real-Time Distributed Architecture for Remote Acoustic Elderly Monitoring in Residential-Scale Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios 

      Navarro Martín, Joan; Vidaña Vila, Ester; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Hervás García, Marcos (Sensors. 2018, Vol. 18, No.8., 2018-08)
      Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) has become a powerful alternative to improving the life quality of elderly and partially dependent people in their own living environments. In this regard, tele-care and ...
    • Resource Allocation on a Hybrid Cloud for Smart Grids 

      Briones Delgado, Alan; Martín de Pozuelo, Ramon; Navarro Martín, Joan; Zaballos Diego, Agustín (Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2016. Vol. 8, 1, 2016-03)
      The use of hybrid clouds enables companies to cover their demands of IT resources saving costs and gaining flexibility in the deployment of infrastructures by paying under demand these resources. However, ...
    • Sistemas Operativos Avanzados: de la clase magistral al entornocolaborativo 

      Navarro Martín, Joan; Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier; Sancho Asensio, Andreu (Actas de las XVII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, 2011-07)
      La implantación del Espacio Europeo de EducaciónSuperior (EEES) apuesta, entre otras cosas, por unnuevo modelo educativo en el que el alumno es elactor principal y el profesor queda relegado a un se-gundo ...
    • The Management System of INTEGRIS. Extending the Smart Grid to the Web of Energy 

      Navarro Martín, Joan; Sancho Asensio, Andreu; Zaballos Diego, Agustín; Jimenez Ruano, Virginia; Vernet Bellet, David; Armendáriz Iñigo, José Enrique (Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 2014-04)
      The recent growth experimented by the Internet has fostered the interaction of many heterogeneous technolo-gies under a common environment (i.e., the Internet of Things). Smart Grids entail a sound ...
    • Towards Automatic Bird Detection: An Annotated and Segmented Acoustic Dataset of Seven Picidae Species 

      Vidaña Vila, Ester; Navarro Martín, Joan; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria (Data, 2017. Vol. 2, 2, 2017-03)
      Analysing behavioural patterns of bird species in a certain region enables researchers to recognize forthcoming changes in environment, ecology, and population. Ornithologists spend many hours observing ...
    • Utilizando analítica del aprendizaje en una clase invertida: Experiencia de uso en la asignatura de Sistemas Digitales y Microprocesadores 

      Navarro Martín, Joan; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Vidaña Vila, Ester; Martínez Suquia, Carmen (2018-07)
      El modelo de clase invertida (o flipped classroom) permite al docente implementar actividades de aprendizaje activo en las sesiones presenciales dejando que el alumno trabaje los contenidos más teóricos ...
    • Workload Management for Dynamic Partitioning Schemes in Replicated Databases 

      Louis Rodríguez, M.; Navarro Martín, Joan; Arrieta Salinas, Itziar; Azqueta Alzuaz, Ainhoa; Armendáriz Iñigo, José Enrique; Sancho Asensio, Andreu (Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Aachen, 8-10 of May 2013, 2013-05)