Mostrando ítems 2061-2080 de 3863

    • CASPER Project: Social Pet Robots facilitating tasks in Therapies withChildren with ASD 

      Curley, Devyn; Barco Martelo, Alexandre; Picó Oristrell, Sandra; Gallego Cascón, Pablo; Zervas, Dimitris; Angulo, Cecilio; Ozcan, Beste; Delvaux, Julien; Lhoir, Matthieu; Albó Canals, Jordi (New Friends 2016. 2nd International Conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, 2016-11-04)
      In this paper, we present a Cognitive Assistive SocialPet Robot design and an early field study with it to facilitatelearning with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The roboticplatform is a low-cost ...
    • An FPGA Platform Proposal for Real-Time Acoustic Event Detection: Optimum Platform Implementation for Audio Recognition with Time Restrictions 

      Hervás García, Marcos; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria (3rd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 2016-11-14)
      Nowadays, monitoring of people and events is a common matter in the street, in the industry or at home, and acoustic event detection is commonly used. This increases the knowledge of what is happening ...
    • Real-Time Audio Event Detection over a Low-Cost GPU Platform for Surveillance in Remote Elderly Monitoring 

      Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Hervás García, Marcos (4th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 2017-11-14)
      The average of life expectancy of the population and the prioritization of authorities in active and home aging has increased recently. This has led governments and private organizations to increase ...
    • Interannual Variation of a 12,760 km Transequatorial Ionospheric Channel Availability and Its Dependence on Ionization 

      Orga Vidal, Ferran; Altadill Felip, David; Hervás García, Marcos; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria (1st International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences, 2016-07-15)
      The ionosphere provides a channel able for long-haul and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) communications. Nonetheless, the amount of ionization depends on the Sun activity, whose diurnal and seasonal cycles ...
    • Accrual management as an indication of money laundering through legally registered Mafia firms in Italy 

      García Blandón, Josep; Ravenda, Diego; Valencia Silva, Maika Melina; Argilés Bosch, Josep M. (Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. Vol. 31, n.1 (2018), p.286-317, 2018-01)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate how accounting is used to disguise and carry out money laundering activities in specific socio-economic and political contexts and whether discretionary ...
    • Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of ¯Bos → J/ψ K+K− 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Camboni, Alessandro; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (Physical Review D, 2013, Vol. 87 , No.7 (Abril), 2013-04-08)
      An amplitude analysis of the final state structure in the ¯¯¯B0s→J/ψK+K− decay mode is performed using 1.0  fb−1 of data collected by the LHCb experiment in 7 TeV center-of-mass energy pp collisions ...
    • La responsabilitat social en les empreses hoteleres 

      Ficapal, Jordi (Murillo, David (coord.). Guies sectorials de RSE a la petita i mitjana empresa: El sector de l'hoteleria. Barcelona, pp. 45-55, 2009)
    • El sector hoteler a Catalunya: situació actual i tendències de futur 

      Santomà Vicens, Ricard; Ficapal, Jordi (Murillo, David (coord.). Guies sectorials de RSE a la petita i mitjana empresa: El sector de l'hoteleria. Barcelona, pp. 15-44, 2009)
    • Hacia una síntesis concatenativa de alta calidad para aplicaciones de conversión texto-habla 

      Iriondo Sanz, Ignasi; Martí Roca, Josep; Oliver Lafont, Jaume; Guaus Termens, Roger; Moure González, Helena (Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, No 25 (1999), 1999)
      Este artículo describe nuevas líneas de investigación referentes a la síntesis concatenativa para la conversión texto-habla. La técnica TD-PSOLA supuso un salto importante en cuanto a la mejora de la ...
    • Data Mining for Instructional Design, Learning and Assessment 

      Vicent Safont, Lluís; Gumara Rigol, Xavier (E-learning Experiences and Future, 2010-04)
      Statistical analysis is widely used in many different areas: medicine, business, natural and social sciences, and of course, in education. In this last topic, it is common that teachers make simple ...
    • Hacia un turismo responsable y sostenible 

      Ficapal, Jordi; Goodwin, Harold (Harvard Deusto Business Review, 2013, Núm. 224 (junio), p. 40-50, 2013-06)
      El deterioro de lugares que son de interés por su patrimonio natural y cultural, así como de cualquier espacio público, hace más vulnerables a las compañías del sector turístico. En este sentido, el ...
    • LHCb RICH: Technical Design Report 

      Roselló Canal, Mar; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2000-09-06)
      This Technical Design Report is dedicated to Tom Ypsilantis. Tom conceived the Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors for particle identification in LHCb and he made an inestimable contribution to the LHCb ...
    • Looking for environmental excellence in tourist destinations 

      Boyra Amposta, Josep (Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 2009. Volume 4, Issue 2, p. 91-106, 2009-10)
      This paper analyzes several factors of environmental change that affect a tourist destination along its cycle of evolution identifying for this purpose some of the existing interdependent bonds within ...
    • LHCb inner tracker: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló Canal, Mar; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2002-11-08)
      The LHCb experiment [1] is designed to exploit the large bb production cross section at the LHC in order to perform a wide range of precision studies of CP violating phenomena. The copious production ...
    • LHCb computing: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló Canal, Mar; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2005-06-20)
    • Framework TDR for the LHCb Upgrade: Technical Design Report 

      Abellan Beteta, Carlos; Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Domingo Bonal, Francesc; Roselló Canal, Mar; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2012-03-25)
      This document is a Framework Technical Design Report for the upgrade of the LHCb experiment. It adds to the information in the Letter of Intent, in particular concerning the foreseen schedule, cost and ...
    • LHCb online system, data acquisition and experiment control: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló Canal, Mar; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2001-12-19)
    • Consumo informativo y cobertura mediática durante el confinamiento por el Covid-19: sobreinformación, sesgo ideológico y sensacionalismo 

      Masip, Pere; Aran Ramspott, Sue; Ruiz-Caballero, Carlos; Almenar Taya, Ester; Puertas-Graell, David; Suau Martínez, Jaume (El Profesional de la Información, vol. 29, núm. 3, 2020, 2020)
      La declaración del estado de alarma por la pandemia del Covid-19 ha confinado a millones de ciudadanos en sus domicilios. La situación de aislamiento tiene enormes consecuencias en múltiples niveles: ...
    • QPA Nuove Metodologie Contro l'Abandono Scolastico 

      Attianese, Antonio; Augenti, Antonio; Casale, Maria Filomena; Geraci, Maria Angela; Macrì, Francesco; Maffeo, Giuseppe; Miraglia, Pietro; Pepe, Catia; Roma, Paolo; Vicent Safont, Lluís; Scarciglia, Giuseppina; Tancredi, Anna (2015)
    • LHCb Trigger and Online Upgrade Technical Design Report 

      Calvo Gómez, Míriam; Vilasís Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2014-03-21)
      The LHCb experiment will be upgraded between 2018 and 2019 in order to reach unprecedented precision on the main observable of the b and c-quark sectors. This Technical Design Report addresses the ...