Co-housing as a tool to mitigate the care crisis: Case studies of La Borda and Les Voirets
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Current figures show that housework is still carried out by women, being an obstacle
to their emancipation. This paper examines in what manners can the model of co-
housing reduce the care crisis at the micro-level while analyzing the gender
perspective of the model. The ideal of living in a community with cooperation
among the neighbors has already been claimed by feminists for over a century as a
solution to the burden of social reproductive tasks. Moreover, this project offers an
alternative housing option to the current housing crisis and an environmentally
sustainable solution to the climate emergency. Through two case studies -La Borda
in Barcelona and Les Voirets in Gèneve-, the analysis shows a strong correlation
between co-housing and a decrease in the housework burden, as a result of
establishing common visible spaces and the sharing of historically feminized rooms
including the laundry and the kitchen.
Tipo de documento
Proyecto / Trabajo fin de carrera o de grado
Palabras clave
Relacions internacionals
Economia col·laborativa
58 p.
TFG del Grau en Relacions Internacionals tutoritzat per Albert Caramés
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