Ethnonational Identities in a Protracted Social Conflict: An analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict and of the proposals for its resolution
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This study analyses and discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict from a social and non-material
perspective through political and social-psychology theories. To do so, it poses the following research
question: What are the social-psychological factors evident in the ethnonational identities of Israelis
and Palestinians that have hindered a resolution to their conflict, and what kind of political solution
may help overcome the impasse? In order to respond to the question, the study first frames the conflict
according to Edward Azar’s Protracted Social Conflict theory. Secondly, it analyses the political
discourse of political and civil society representatives of both ethnonational groups to find social-
psychological factors hindering a resolution to the conflict. Thirdly, it discusses the two-state solution
and the binational state solution in accordance with two major themes: the Jewish character of the state
of Israel and the Right of Return, two key social-psychological factors that feature strongly in the
collective memories of the groups.
Tipus de document
Projecte/Treball fi de carrera o de grau
Paraules clau
Relacions internacionals
Conflicte araboisraelià
36 p.
TFG del Grau en Relacions Internacionals tutoritzat per Claudia Saba
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