Recerca: Recent submissions
Now showing items 441-460 of 3187
Desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de evaluación competencial para la selección de una agencia de relaciones públicas y comunicación
(Revista de comunicación, Vol. 21, Núm. 1, 2022, 2022)El propósito de este artículo es el desarrollo de un modelo ex novo para seleccionar a una agencia de relaciones públicas y comunicación, o que preste servicios de relaciones públicas, basado en las ... -
La vida aèria: un dietari
(2019) -
La superficie: vivir entre pantallas
(2018) -
Novel grafted electrochemical interface for covalent glucose oxidase immobilization using reactive pentafluorophenyl methacrylate
(Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018-12-01)One of the most important factors for the proper functioning of enzymatic electrochemical biosensors is the enzyme immobilization strategy. In this work, glucose oxidase was covalently immobilized using ... -
Novel α-mannose-functionalized poly(β-amino ester) nanoparticles as mRNA vaccines with increased antigen presenting cell selectivity in the spleen
(Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2023-06-14)mRNA vaccination has emerged as a prominent therapy for the future of medicine. Despite the colossal advance in this technology and worldwide efficacy proof (ca. COVID vaccines), mRNA carriers still ... -
Consumer Ethicality Perception and Legitimacy: Competitive Advantages in COVID-19 Crisis
(American Behavioral Scientist, May 2021 (online first), 2021)The article aims to analyze the cause–effect relationship between Brand Ethicality Perception (CPE), legitimacy and purchase intention during the COVID-19 first wave, taking into consideration the ... -
Translatio Ecclesiae: de la distopia a la utopia passant per l’eucronia
(Qüestions de vida cristiana, núm. 272, 2022, 2022) -
Mito, épica y drama en dos poetas contemporáneos: Juan Gelman y Homero Aridjis
(Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Vol. 8, núm. 1, 2021, 2021)El presente artículo indaga las distintas exploraciones que llevan a cabo dos poetas contemporáneos, el argentino Juan Gelman y el mexicano Ho-mero Aridjis, del mito (clásico y moderno), de la épica (o ... -
Chloroplast engineering of the green microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii for the production of HAA, the lipid moiety of rhamnolipid biosurfactants
(New Biotechnology, 2023-04-11)Hydroxyalkanoyloxyalkanoates (HAA) are lipidic surfactants with a number of potential applications, but more remarkably, they are the biosynthetic precursors of rhamnolipids (RL), which are preferred ... -
Cyclic Homo- and Heterohalogen Di-λ3-diarylhalonium Structures
(Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023-06-13)In the context of the ever-growing interest in thecyclic diaryliodonium salts, this work presents synthetic designprinciples for a new family of structures with two hypervalenthalogens in the ring. The ... -
Advanced mass spectrometry profiling of phenolic and minerals compounds in herbal beverages
(Food Chemistry, 2023-07-01)The global pandemic of COVID-19 has led to an increased interest in herbal infusions as natural remedies since 2020. This has also heightened the need for controlling the composition of these dietary ... -
Postmemòria i pràctiques creatives al voltant de l'arxiu pel Foment de la Memòria Democràtica
(Ars Brevis, 2023)En el context actual, les reflexions i les actuacions entorn de la memòria històrica de la Guerra Civil i la dictadura franquista han d’incorporar indefectiblement la perspectiva de la post-memòria, ... -
'Fugir era el més bell que teníem'. Reflexions des de la postmemòria
(Ars Brevis, 2024)El present text proposa un parell de reflexions suscitades per la lectura de Fugir era el més bell que teníem. A mig camí entre la ressenya i l’article acadèmic, entre l’elogi i la crítica, el present ... -
Analytical parameters of an amperometric glucose biosensor for fast analysis in food samples
(Sensors, 2017-11-14)Amperometric biosensors based on the use of glucose oxidase (GOx) are able to combine the robustness of electrochemical techniques with the specificity of biological recognition processes. However, very ... -
Competències per a la vida en el lleure educatiu
(2019-02-01)Aquesta publicació és una elaboració col·lectiva fruit d’un seminari en el què hi han participat persones vinculades a les diverses iniciatives de l’escoltisme, l’esplai i l’àmbit socioeducatiu de ... -
L'ètica algorítmica
(2022-10)El món tecnològic en què vivim està canviant radicalment les formes de viure, de relacionar-nos, de pensar, de crear, d’estimar, de treballar, i ens planteja grans qüestions respecte a la nostra identitat ... -
PhD holders at the boundaries and knowledge brokering
(Studies in Continuing Education, 2024, 1-19, 2024-05)Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number ofPhDs pursuing careers at the boundaries between academic andnon-academic sectors, particularly with multiple transitions anddual appointments. ... -
Managing Perceived Legitimacy in Uncertain Times: The Effects of Long-Covid
(Tripodos, núm. 54, 2023, 2023)Uncertainty and unpredictability are the main characteristics of a crisis: the Covid-19 pandemic was definitely characterised by these two issues. During the Covid-19 pandemic, people experienced a very ...