Browsing Treballs finals de màster by Subject "531/534"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Acoustic description of the soundscape of a real-life intensive farm and its impact on animal welfare: a preliminary analysis of farm sounds and bird vocalizations
(2020)Poultry meat is the world’s primary source of animal protein due to the low cost andit is widely eaten at global level. However, intensive production is required to sup-ply the demand although it ... -
Deep Learning aplicat al reconeixement d’esdeveniments acústics
(2018)El Deep Learning és un conjunt d’einesd'aprenentatgeautomàticque en els últims anys ha revolucionat el món gràcies als bons resultats que ofereix a l’hora de modelitzar dades complexes. Avui en ... -
Frequency domain synthesis of guitar plucks for instrument making suport
(2010)Understanding the relation between the sound quality of the classical guitar and theirphysical characteristics in depth is an important challenge for instrument makers. Never-theless, we ...