The Pro-Independence Movement in Catalonia: Impact on the International Agenda and Media Pluralism
Other authors
Publication date
This chapter analyses the media coverage of the Catalan pro-independence movement, focusing on its impact on the media agenda and on the pluralism of the coverage. Adopting
both a quantitative and qualitative approach, the study evaluates just under 4,800 news
items and other samples of commentary from Catalonia, Spain and the international
media. The timeframe begins with the National Day of Catalonia in 2012 (11 September)
and ends just after the elections to the Catalan Parliament on 25 November of the same
year. This was the point at which the Catalan independence movement became a major
international news story. An analysis of the articles generated reveals the increasing polarization in Spain, but also the efforts of the Catalan media to adopt a more pluralist
approach to the societal divisions.
Document Type
Chapter or part of a book
Document version
Published version
Subject (CDU)
65 - Communication and transport industries. Accountancy. Business management. Public relations
Mitjans de comunicació de massa
Cobertura mediàtica
36 p.
Peter Lang
Is part of
Susana Belenguer, Nicola Brady. Pulling Together or Pulling Apart?
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