Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • An example of operation for a partly manned Antarctic geomagnetic observatory and the development of a radio link for data transmission 

      Torta Margalef, Joan Miquel; Marsal Vinadé, Santiago; Riddick, John C.; Vilella Parra, Carles; Fonseca, David; Blanch Llosa, Estefania; Cid, Oscar; Curto, Joan J.; De Santis, Angelo; Gaya-Piqué, Luis R.; Mauricio Ferré, Juan; Pijoan Vidal, Joan Lluís; Solé, Germán J.; Ugalde, Arantza (Annals of Geophysics, 2009. Vol. 52, 1 (Febrer), 2009-02)
      The experience acquired from more than ten years of operation of an Antarctic geomagnetic observatory is described along with the development of data transmission facilities. The observatory was deployed ...