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dc.contributorUniversitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna
dc.contributor.authorJustel Vázquez, Santiago
dc.contributor.authorLaferrara, Valentina
dc.contributor.authorDe Blasio, Emiliana
dc.contributor.authorMicó, Josep-Lluís
dc.description.abstractThis chapter is based on an exhaustive literature review of previous research into the application of web analytics to journalistic practice and on an analysis of the digital media’s news agenda. It also offers a review of the current Spanish digital media context and the effort made by newspapers to consolidate a subscription model. The importance of the criteria to be followed in the management of data in the framework of the effort to strengthen the online business model of the news media is addressed. A strategy prioritising growth in subscriber numbers will place more value on indicators related to the quality of the content, while a strategy based mainly on advertising will focus primarily on indicators related to audience growth.
dc.format17 p.
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/SUR del DEC i FSE/FI/2020FI_B 00532
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/SUR del DEC i FSE/FI/2021FI_B1 00173
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/SUR del DEC i FSE/2022FI_B2 00024
dc.rightsL'accés als continguts d'aquest document queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons:
dc.rights© Routledge
dc.sourceRECERCAT (Dipòsit de la Recerca de Catalunya)
dc.subjectPeriodisme electrònic
dc.subjectMitjans de comunicació digitals
dc.titleJournalism and analytics: the tension between journalistic criteria and data

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