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dc.contributorUniversitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna
dc.contributor.authorDíaz-Gibson, Jordi
dc.contributor.authorWhittaker, Robyn
dc.contributor.authorCivís, Mireia
dc.contributor.authorFagerström, Peter
dc.contributor.authorAddae-Bohane, Akwasi
dc.contributor.authorAllen, Dale
dc.contributor.authorKudzi, Avril
dc.contributor.authorLerena, Mireia
dc.descriptionProjecte subvencionat per la Fundació Jacobs i la UNESCOca
dc.description.abstractReport III: The NetEdu Hub in Ghana. We study essential questions for leaders to initiate change: What type of tools, processes and synergies are needed to start collectively weaving the learning ecosystem? We have seen and experienced that mapping, visualizing and understanding learning stakeholders and relational dynamics in our schools, communities, cities or regions is already a signi_icant and powerful part of the process of weaving learning ecosystems. But leaders in the meso and macro levels need tools to understand the potential of stakeholder relationships. The report describes the research based design and the tool prototype developed in collaboration with UNESCO and the Ministry of Education in Ghana. Thus, in this final report we share the development of a Learning Ecosystem Tool prototype that supports regional leaders and policy makers to visualize and analyze social connections between people and organizations in the ecosystem: the NetEdu Hub in Ghanaca
dc.publisherNet Edu Projectca
dc.relationReport I Evolutionary Framework
dc.relationReport II SchoolWeavers Tool
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.rights© L'autor/a
dc.subject.otherLearning Ecosystemsca
dc.subject.otherSchool Weaversca
dc.subject.otherLife Long Learningca
dc.subject.otherEcosistemes d'aprenentatgeca
dc.subject.otherEscoles teixidoresca
dc.subject.otherBenestar col·lectiuca
dc.subject.otherAprenentatge al llarg de la vidaca
dc.titleLearning Ecosystems Trilogy: Weaving our relational capacity for flourishing futures. Report 3: Mapping and analyzing national Learning Ecosystems for SDG4. The NetEdu Hub in Ghanaca

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