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dc.contributorUniversitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna
dc.contributor.authorDíaz-Gibson, Jordi
dc.contributor.authorWhittaker, Robyn
dc.contributor.authorCivís, Mireia
dc.contributor.authorLiou, Yi-Wha
dc.contributor.authorZala-Mezö, Enikö
dc.contributor.authorMuller-Kuhn, Daniela
dc.contributor.authorWoodman, René
dc.contributor.authorMontserrat Vallvè, Anna de
dc.contributor.authorFontanet Caparrós, Annabel
dc.contributor.authorLerena, Mireia
dc.contributor.authorCos, Míriam
dc.contributor.authorTorruella Garcia, Estel
dc.descriptionProjecte subvencionat per la Fundació Jacobs i la UNESCOca
dc.description.abstractIn Report II we explore a crucial question in our framework: What is the role of schools as active weavers of learning and flourishing ecosystems? Schools are called to be central actors in the development and evolution of Learning Ecosystems as they play a central role in all countries, and have a tremendous impact on education and flourishment of our children and young. Nevertheless, evidence shows that schools worldwide are primarily designed for and focused on instruction and achievement, giving less attention to the design of caring, collaborative and innovative cultures within school walls and across the wider community, which in turn becomes essential for students’ and teachers’ learning and wellbeing. SchoolWeavers Tool: Weaving ecosystems for belonging and human-centred learning Report II analyzes the SchoolWeavers as a tool that supports school leaders to weave learning ecosystems inside out, engaging and resonating with the community to collectively enhance a relational culture for learning and flourishing. The research-action work shares the experience of the tool in schools in Taiwan, South Africa, Switzerland and
dc.publisherNet Edu Projectca
dc.relationReport I Evolutionary Framework
dc.relationReport III Mapping and analyzing national Learning Ecosystems for SDG4
dc.rights© L'autor/aca
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subject.otherLearning Ecosystemsca
dc.subject.otherLife Long Learningca
dc.subject.otherEcosistemes d'aprenentatgeca
dc.subject.otherEscoles teixidoresca
dc.subject.otherBenestar col·lectiuca
dc.subject.otherAprenentatge al llarg de la vidaca
dc.titleLearning Ecosystems Trilogy: Weaving our relational capacity for flourishing futures. Report 2: SchoolWeavers Toolca
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/URL i SUR del REU/Projectes de recerca PDI/2021-URL-Proj-037ca
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/PN I+D/PID2020-118208ca

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